Chapter 70: Into the Breach

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(A/N): Hello there!

I just wanted to thank everyone for their support and apologize for the slower uploads. This semester if a busy one for me so I don't have as much time or energy to write. That and I'm still figuring out where I want to go with this book post season 4.

I would share the direction that I'm leaning towards and the plan that I have laid out, but I don't want to spoil anything so you'll just have to trust me.

I'll do my best to answer any questions without spoiling anything or you can message me directly if you really need to know.

Thanks again and I hope you enjoy.


3rd Person POV:

*Hollywood, Goode World Studios*

Victor: "Luck? That's all you're going to say?"

Mary, Wondergirl, Blue Beetle, Kid Flash and El Dorado turned to face their leader as he awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

Beast Boy: "It's enough. We're not on the best terms right now."

Beast Boy tucked his phone into his picket and stood up from the driver's seat in the bio-ship.

Beast Boy: "Miss Martian and the Team are following their lead... So we'll follow ours."

Mary: "And what is our lead?"

Kid Flash: "Why are we at Goode World Sudios? Didn't the Team and League search every single one of Gretchen's buildings?"

Beast Boy: "Vic."

Victor sighed, slumping back into his chair and rubbing his eyes. He drew in a deep breath before sitting up and turning to face the Outsiders.

Victor: "Okay, for a while now, I've been struggling to figure out the full extent of my cyber abilities. It all started when I intercepted a text from Violet to Brion..."

Wonder Girl: "You hacked his phone?"

Victor: "No. the cybernetic part of my brain would just intercept stuff at random. Emails, text, the odd phone call... I couldn't control it, and back then I didn't want to. It was like navigating through a thick fog. I heard voices, it sounded like that agents watch, you know, the one who works with Mary."

Mary: "You had ISAC's voice in your head? What was he saying?"

Victor: "Nothing that made any sense. It was random words or bits of protocols. I couldn't understand anything he was saying, I just recognized the voice. But after my recent Mobius-Tech infusion, it disappeared. I couldn't hear ISAC and I've gotten control over my abilities. I can reach out with my mind to anything on the web, or the cloud or.. well anything electronic, really. That's how I sensed Mother Box was in danger at Granny's house and how I found traces of Apokoliptian tech in storage building 16."

Blue Beetle: "The League searched this building already. Why didn't they find any traces of alien tech?"

Victor: "My best guess is they weren't looking for Apokoliptain tech. They probably walked right by without ever knowing it was there."

El Dorado: "Alright, that's enough for me. Let's go."

Blue Beetle: "We're two men short. What about Brion and Virgil?"

Beast Boy: "I didn't want to get Brion's hopes up, plus I think he went with M'gann and the Team. Virgil is still with Jeff, trying to smooth over the whole anti-light mess our "leaders" pulled. So it's just us."

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