Chapter 68: The White House

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3rd Person POV:

*The Hub, Division West Coast Command Center*

Kelso opened her eyes and sat up. She wiped the dust off her face the best she could as her eyes adjusted to the bright light of a burning helicopter.

Her head was ringing but her helmet saved her from any serious injury. A strand of her brown hair fell loose from her helmet and dangled in front of her face as she slowly stood up.

Gunfire echoed throughout the large hangar as a mixture of smoke and fire obstructed her view. The large hangar had its fire suppression system activated and immediately began dumping water down in the rows of helicopters and ground vehicles.

The massive underground base was the site of a desperate battle between Division agents and Black Tusk. (Y/n)'s speech had started a full on revolt.

The agents rose up and easily overpowered the few guards the Black Tusk had keeping them in their barracks.

Within minutes each agent was fully armed and fighting to retake the base.

Kelso and a few agents that weren't at the base during the Black Tusk's takeover arrived to help but they were still incredibly outnumbered.

Blake and the higher ups in the Black Tusk had managed to manipulate the JTF deployment roster so that the entire garrison was loyal to the Black Tusk.

Despite their best efforts, Kelso and the agents were forced out of the main facility and were making a desperate last stand in the hangar.

As she regained her senses, two agents rushed to her side and hauled her back to cover.

Kelso: "Fuck, that hurt."

Agent: "We're being overrun! We need ISAC!"

Kelso: "That's not an option. He's been taken permanently offline. We've got to hold out..."

Agent: "Until when?!"

An anti-tank rocket slammed into a nearby utility truck, creating a massive explosion and sending agents scrambling to safety.

Kelso: "Until the Justice League or someone else gets here to bail us out!"

Agent: "That may not be an option! They have a massive manpower advantage over us and it won't be long before they surround us! We need to retreat into the city while we still can!"

Suddenly the base lost power and the large lights overhead all shut off in an instant, leaving the agents and Black Tusk in complete darkness.

Kelso: "Fuck... you're right. Prepare to fall back and ready smoke to cover our retreat. Rig these trucks to explode so they won't have anything to chase us down in."

Agent: "Copy that."


"Do you seriously think killing me will change anything?"

The voice (Y/n) had grown to hate boomed over the bunker's loudspeaker as the small group of heroes pushed deeper into the presidential bunker.

Zatanna and Tigress were close behind, keeping an eye on (Y/n) as he and Kaldur led the group forward.

The magician couldn't help but notice that (Y/n)'s uniform was covered in blood. She wasn't sure how much of it was his and how much came from the Hunters and Black Tusk soldiers he dealt with. She wasn't even sure if it was from the current battle.

Her heart sped up when she noticed a small dent in (Y/n)'s helmet caused by a stray bullet. Zatanna eventually pulled her focus away from her fiancé and managed to shift it back to their mission, doing so remarkably calmed her rapidly beating heart.

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