Chapter 29: Suffering

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3rd Person POV:

Several days had passed since Aqualads attack on the Cave. (Y/n) has been taken to the H.U.B for medical treatment. SHD doctors worry he may have a concussion after several head injuries in recent battles.

Nightwing is tracking Lagoon Boy's location when Superboy, Wonder Girl and Batgirl arrive at the Hall of Justice.

Batgirl: "Any news?"

Nightwing: "I can't find anything on our captive members or Zatanna."

Superboy: "How's (Y/n) doing? Where is he?"

Nightwing: "His agents brought him back to the H.U.B while he was still unconscious, they fear he's got a concussion from the recent fights he's been in."

Wonder Girl: "Wait, what's the H.U.B?"

Nightwing: "It's headquarters for the Division, or at least I thought it was."

Batgirl: "Wait, what's that ringing?"

They followed the sound to the couch where (Y/n) was placed after they arrived from Happy Harbour. Superboy lifted up the couch cushion to find (Y/n)'s phone. He stared blankly at the screen, the name displayed caught him completely off guard. In blocky white letters 'Zatanna' was displayed across the screen. The call ended before Superboy could bring himself to answer it but then a message popped up on the lock screen.

Superboy: "I-it's Zatanna or somebody using her phone. They've sent a video message."

Nightwing: "Pass it here, I'll hook it up to the monitor."

Nightwing took the phone and plugged it into the main computer. He guessed (Y/n)'s password on the first try and let out a light laugh. 'The date they met, real original (Y/n)' is what Nightwing was thinking as the video loaded up on the main monitor.

The four hero's stood in shock as Vandal Savage appeared on the monitor.

Savage: "Hello agent (L/n). I suspect you've been eagerly awaiting my transmission. Allow me to get right down to business."

He stepped to the side and the camera focused on Zatanna who was restrained and held a few inches off the ground by chains wrapped around her wrists. She's still gagged by a cloth and has an inhibitor collar around her neck. She looks badly beaten and barely conscious. Her magician outfit has cuts all across it, there is a mix of dried blood and tears on her face and open cuts all across her body.

Savage: "As long as you continue operations against us, this torture of your beloved Ms. Zatara will continue."

Savage pressed a button on the small remote in his hand and Zatanna was brutally shocked by the inhibitor collar. Zatanna thrashed violently as shocking and muffled cries of pain continued for another twenty seconds before Savage stopped. As Zatanna's screams died down a sinister smile formed on Savage's face. He was enjoying this.

Savage: "You will halt all Division operations globally and recall your agents to their home bases, your various naval fleets will return to their home ports. Once this is done we will send you proof of life and further instructions, make no mistake, this torture will continue until those demands are met. So take as long as you want."

The video ended with the camera angling down towards the floor and an even louder pain filled scream coming from Zatanna as the collar activated again. The four heroes were left speechless and fear ridden. Nightwing felt a wave of guilt wash over him, it was because of the undercover operation he started that resulted in Zatanna's capture and exposure to endless torture.

Wonder Girl: "We have to do something! We can't let her be tortured!"

Nightwing: "The trace failed, when Savage sent the message he turned off the phone. I can't track it."

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