Chapter 4: Failsafe

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(Y/n) POV:

We knew going in that everything would be fine. We knew that everything was going to be alright. No matter how it turned out we knew that nothing would change and we'd be fine.

We were all so wrong.

My eyes shot open and I sat up in my room. The Caves emergency alert system was blaring. Batman's voice crackled over the intercom and informed the Team that a massive alien spacecraft was closing in on Earth. The Justice League was heading up to meet the ship and the Team would need to be ready in case anything happened.

I scrambled out of bed and quickly put on my gear. As I fastened the ISAC node to the right strap of my backpack, Wally burst through the door.

Wally: "Everyone's ready! Let's go!"

I grabbed my rifle and slung it over my shoulder before grabbing my helmet and following Wally to the main training area.

As Wally had said everyone was already waiting. We were watching a combination of video feeds, the Justice League's attack on the aliens and the GBC broadcasts were the most prominent. Batman was giving attack orders to the Justice League after the alien mothership attacked both Green Lanterns and instantly vaporized them.

We watched in horror as one by one the entirety of the Justice League died, some in fiery explosions, but most were disintegrated by the aliens' lasers.

I just stared at the screen where Green Arrow, Black Canary and Zatara were moments before their brutal death. The room was dead silent, I finally managed to pull my gaze away from the broadcast and turn to Zatanna.

She was barely keeping it together. Her dad had just blown up in a violent explosion on national television, M'gann wasn't fairing any better. She was shaking and couldn't stop staring at the screen where we witnessed her uncle's demise, despite the fact that it had switched channels long ago.

Aqualad was the first of us to get our bearings and snap us out of our grief.

Aqualad: "We are Earth's heroes now."

Superboy: "So what are we waiting for a theme song, let's get out there!"

(Y/n): "Earth's militaries have falling lines across the board, we need a plan before going out there! Smallville has been completely destroyed and every major Air Force base has been overrun!"

Robin: "I'll check satellite imagery..."

M'gann: "Hey what's that one doing up north?"

Wally: "Did he get lost or something?"

My attention was drawn to a small red dot on the holographic globe floating before us. There is a small red dot in the arctic, far away from any other concentration of alien ships which are mostly over the largest cities in the world.

Robin: "That's Superman's fortress of solitude! The power must have attracted the aliens' attention, at least given them enough of a reason to send a scout ship to investigate."

Superboy: "Superman has a fortress of solitude?! I guess there's a lot I'll never know about him!"

Miss Martian: "Connor..."

Superboy: "No, it's alright."

(Y/n): "We need to take down this lone alien ship and learn as much as we can from it, hopefully we can find a weakness to exploit."

Kid Flash: "Ya break it down and hit those ugly aliens with their own-Hey what was that for!"

Artemis had elbowed Kid Flash in the ribs and the speedster jerked back rubbing his side.

Young Justice: Directive 51 (Male Reader X Young Justice)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang