Chapter 36: Intervention Part 1

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3rd Person POV:

Zatanna was the first to wake up, still sore from the events of the previous night.

Zatanna started to get out of bed only to have (Y/n) wrap his arms around her and pull her back to him. They briefly kissed and then agreed to get ready for the day.

Zatanna needed to spend every available minute, training and perfecting the spell that would help her free Blue Beetle from the Reach's control.

Dr. Fate informed Zatanna that she wouldn't be strong enough to free Blue with just her magic, so he instructed her on how to summon the magic from the temple they would be in.

It was up to Nightwing and (Y/n) to come up with a plan. They met in (Y/n) and Zatanna's apartment since the League wasn't on the best of terms with (Y/n) and the Division, even after their innocence was proven.

They had come to agree on several things, the Team would have to take point on the operation, Division involvement would have to be limited or none at all given the fact that the Reach have Blue Beetle operating in highly populated areas and most important of all, they would need to be swift and decisive when attacking Blue.

Dick: "Giving Blue the opportunity to fight back will increase the odds that we run into Reach reinforcements."

(Y/n): "We will have to deal with the reinforcements one way or another, it's just a matter of controlling when and where we face them. We have no guaranteed way of severing the Reach's ability to track Blue."

Dick: "So speed will be key."

(Y/n): "We'll need Raquel and Zee to keep him contained. We will also need a group to run interference with Blue, drawing him into our trap and to stall whatever reinforcements the Reach throw at us."

Dick: "What about the Light's forces, we are heading into Bialya after all."

(Y/n): "I'm not anticipating them to be much of a problem. A conversation I had with Luthor makes me think the Light has been planning on betraying the Reach. If anything they'll throw the fight after putting up minimal resistance."

Dick: "Well then, I guess we should figure out when and how to start."

(Y/n): "Your satellite confirms that Blue goes home to his parents every night, the Reach are still making him pretend that he isn't under their control so his parents won't sound the alarm to the rest of the world."

Dick: "Okay... how did that help us."

(Y/n): "We know where he will be and when we can strike, I'll use several small SAM launchers to knock Blue down to a level where Impulse can disable his boosters. After that we'll need someone to distract Blue with Impulse while Raquel and Zatanna get into position."

Dick: "Do you think Zatanna will be ready? You were fairly defensive about her the other day."

(Y/n): "Look...I-I just don't want her to get hurt. She means the world to me and I don't want to push her to do anything she doesn't think she can do."

Dick: "She might not think she can, but you and I both know she's insanely powerful. Fate's said it himself, hell, you saw at least a part of what she did to Black Beetle on your aircraft carrier."

(Y/n): "Yeah, I saw it."

Dick: "Next chance you get, ask her to begin her preparations for the spell. We are on the clock and we have to act soon."

(Y/n): "Yeah, I'll talk to her."

*Small Time Skip*

On the Watchtower, Zatanna stood before every member of the Justice League that wasn't on Rimbor.

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