Chapter 32: Stranded

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3rd Person POV:

(Y/n), Superboy and Nightwing arrived at the S.T.A.R labs facility in Taos. Nightwing has filled (Y/n) in with all the details regarding the emergence of Green Beetle, a Martian with a Reach scarab stuck to his spine just like Jamie.

(Y/n) told Dick about his conversation with Streiten but swore him to secrecy, he couldn't bring himself to explain it to anyone. After all, he didn't even have all the answers.

(Y/n), Dick and Conner are walking to the inner training area to meet with Green Beetle, Blue Beetle, Arsenal, Miss Martian, Lagoon Boy, Robin and Impulse.

(Y/n): "I can't even begin to tell you how bad of an idea this is."

Nightwing: "We need to be able to trust him."

(Y/n): "We have one super powered beetle that's a  wild card and you want to throw another one into the mix."

Superboy: "You think Blue's a wild card?"

(Y/n): "You don't?"

Superboy: "He's done nothing to indicate he's a traitor."

(Y/n): "That's usually how spies work."

Superboy stopped outside the door to the large training area and glared at (Y/n). He clearly wasn't a fan of the agent's sarcasm.

(Y/n): "Look, all I'm saying is we need to be careful. You never know what people are really capable of, Kaldur proved that. Not to mention they might not be in control of their own bodies. The Reach developed these scarabs. They most likely have a way to control them."

Nightwing opened the door and the three entered the room. Every hero and Green Beetle turned their attention to the three friends. Arsenal let out a small laugh as he pushed himself off the far wall and walked towards the heroes.

Arsenal: "You're late."

(Y/n): "You have something better to be doing?"

Miss Martian: "I'm not very comfortable with this. Delving into your mind, it-it's an intrusion."

Green Beetle: "You have my permission. We must be able to trust each other."

(Y/n): "Trust is built over time and secured by one's actions during such time. You don't get our trust after showing up out of nowhere."

Green Beetle: "While that may be true, it is not a luxury we have. The Reach continues to gain sway over your planet each day. We must expel them as soon as possible. And I don't believe I've had the pleasure, Mr.?"

(Y/n): "Vanguard will do fine."

Green Beetle: "So you're the one the Reach is so concerned about. You should know, they consider you a wildcard. My scarab is still able to pry information from the Reach's less secure networks. They have an entire team dedicated to tracking your every move."

(Y/n): "Nice to know I have fans."

Superboy: "There has to be another way."

Nightwing: "Look, I'm not sure what the Martian etiquette is here, but Green Beetle is right. We need to be able to trust each other, which means we need to confirm he is who he says he is. Miss M is our only real option."

(Y/n) stepped back to Nightwing as Lagoon Boy went to encourage Miss Martian to establish the mind like with Green Beetle. (Y/n) leaned in and whispered to Nightwing and Superboy.

(Y/n): "Give me 30 minutes and a box of matches and you won't need a mind link."

Nightwing: "We are not doing that."

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