Chapter 53: Rescue Op

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(A/N): I'd like to thank everyone again and apologize for this chapter being a bit shorter than normal. With my school starting up in a few weeks I won't be able to upload as frequently. I have the next few chapters already finished so I'll be able to upload once a week until I get back in the swing of things.

As most of you know, season 3 starts off extremely slow so I apologize for the chapters seeming like nothing important is happening. I'm the chapters I've finished we're mostly through the slow start so it'll all be over soon.

The story is going to pick up and things will get very interesting very soon.

Thanks again.



3rd Person POV:

Al-Qawiya, Greater Bialya

Kelso had waited longer for so much less. Jaqqar Marlo, director of R&D at Goode World studios and project leader for the GoodeVR Goggles. An overweight middle aged man with dark brown skin and balding.

Jaqqar was having the party of his life in a private nightclub, the kind of club that only the rich and powerful know about. The club has no name and isn't even listed as an official business, yet law enforcement never dares to interfere with the clubs business.

Dealing with illegal nightclubs wasn't something Kelso bothered with and she wasn't planning on changing that now. She was perched atop a small apartment building a few blocks away, watching the nightclub and waiting for Jaqqar to leave.

Kelso wasn't planning on apprehending, following or killing Jaqqar. She has a large sniper rifle ready to kill the assassin that was sent after Jaqqar.

Kelso used ISAC and intercepted radio traffic ordering a hit on Jaqqar. She wasn't able to identify the origin of the transmission, so she elected to investigate the hit in person and watch it happen. She hoped that Red Hood would make an appearance and she could eliminate the assassin that Natalya's been using to cross off key JTF and Division personnel.

Kelso gazed through the optic mounted on the top of her AWM and adjusted the dials while looking at the club.

Minutes later Jaqqar finally exited and was immediately greeted by Black Spider. Kelso quietly cursed, realizing that it was most likely the Light's communications she intercepted and that this was a hit ordered by the League of Shadows and not Natalya. Still, she stayed and observed.

Jaqqar fled, running a short distance and rounding a street corner before Kelso lost line of sight. She saw Black Spider swinging up from the street, landing on a roof as a massive boulder crashed down into the street.

Kelso couldn't see who the boulder crushed but ISAC confirmed her suspicions. Jaqqar was dead.

ISAC: "Intercepted hostile communication: Good job, kid. The boss will be proud. In fact, all the bosses will be proud."

Kelso moved her rifle over to the shadow of a figure leaning on a ledge on the rooftops above the boulder. As the figure stepped out of the darkness to greet Black Spider, Kelso immediately recognized the young girl, the Princess of Markovia, Tara Markov.

Kelso: "Well, (Y/n)'s going to get a kick out of this."


*Gotham City*

Barbara was laughing like crazy in her apartment. She's been playing on the GoodeVR Goggles for a few hours now, completely losing herself in the cartoonish games.

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