Chapter 67: Rogue Agents

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(A/N): Hello there,

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and I'm looking forward to the new year.

Thanks for your continued support, it means the world to me.



3rd Person POV:

Zatanna groaned as she pushed herself to her feet. Smoke and dust mixed together in the air while small fires burned along the crowded hallway.

Using the wall to steady herself, she limped forward until she found Tigress leaning against the wall, wiping blood from her forehead.

The pair moved forward, pushing through the hallway which was the sight of a Black Tusk ambush mere moments ago. The girls eventually found Titan sinking his teeth into a helpless Black Tusk operative. They quickly recalled the German Shepherd and continued their journey down the hallway.

When the group arrived at the end of the hall, they found themselves pushing open a large security door. With the power drained from the building, pushing the door open took considerable effort.

Once the group moved through the door, Tigress and Zatanna quickly pushed it shut. They were somewhat relieved to find themselves in a mostly clean hallway.

The hallway's emergency lights flickered off for a brief moment before snapping back on and illuminating the bare cordoor.

Gunshots rang out from further inside the complex, with the sound of muffled explosions briefly drowning them out.

Tigress: "We need to keep moving, we can't be far behind them now."

Zatanna nodded in agreement before quickly checking on Titan. The German Shepherd had the blood of Black Tusk soldiers all across his snout. But was completely unharmed. She gently scratched his head and then followed Tigress down the hall.


(Y/n) slammed his knife into the last Black Tusk soldier and pushed him away. The soldier's body crumbled to the ground and made a soft bang on the metal catwalk.

The agent drew in deep breaths as he picked up his rifle. He immediately started scanning his surroundings for any sign of Red Hood. He knew the assassin was close but he lost track of him in the fight against the Black Tusk squad.

(Y/n) heard the footsteps before he saw Red Hood. The assassin slammed his body into the agent and they both fell over the railing. The pair plummeted the short distance to the ground, landing in the labyrinth of computer servers. 

Red Hood was the first to his feet. The assassin jumped up and charged towards the agent as he rolled onto his back. (Y/n) still held his rifle and immediately fired at Red Hood. The bullets slammed off his high tech armour and caused the former Robin to stagger back and drop the knife he was holding. 

The second Red Hood was out of sight, (Y/n) pushed himself to his feet and followed the assassin. The agent moved down the row of computer servers, carefully checking for the assassin as he passed each row.

The soft beeps and humming of the computer terminals were initially all he could hear. Then the shutdown program took effect.

With a single ominous thump, the entire server floor shutdown. The lights shut off and the computer fans stopped spinning, leaving the agent in darkness and complete silence.

(Y/n) pressed up against the closest computer terminal and took a deep breath. He could hear his own heartbeat and he gripped his rifle as tightly as he could.

Young Justice: Directive 51 (Male Reader X Young Justice)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt