Chapter 24: First Day

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(Y/n) POV:

I'm sitting in the United Nations cafeteria. They have a few restaurants and they are supposedly really good. Unfortunately my schedule only allows for 15 minute breaks so I don't have time to sit down and eat, and I'm beginning to think it was made that way on purpose. I decided to skip dinner, well I don't really have a choice. I refuse to eat another cheap high school cafeteria meal, it tastes awful and it's only a matter of time before I'm supposed to meet with Secretary General Tseng Dangun. He very clearly isn't a fan of the U.S intelligence community and has been throwing me through pointless meeting after pointless meeting. He somehow has managed to avoid me all day and I swear I've got the last appointment time which he will probably cancel, thus forcing me to come back here tomorrow.

I looked at my watch and checked the time, five minutes until my meeting. Better start moving towards his office. If it wasn't for the glow of ISAC on my wrist I would forget that I'm an agent. I haven't done any field work since Tula passed and I hate it. I'm itching to get back into the field, sitting in an office doing paperwork and meeting with politicians isn't for me. Kelso hated it too but at least she was mature enough to play nice. I just go in there and say whatever I'm thinking without a filter. It causes a lot of meetings to end early and with less than happy politicians.

I was passing by the security station when the building shook violently. I grabbed one of the security guards that ran out of the room and demanded an answer.

Security Guard: "Explosion on the assembly floor and hostiles are in the building! You need to leave, all civilians should evacuate now!"

(Y/n): "Of course, thank you sir."

I let him go and he ran down the hall to catch up with his fellow guards. I could leave like he ordered me to, or I can walk into this now abandoned armoury and grab some gear. Maybe get back into some field work.

Sloppy, leaving the gear unlocked like this even in an emergency. Someone could take it.

I walked into the armoury and put a plate carrier overtop of my suit. Hopefully the massive white U.N painted on the front and back will stop any guard from panicking and shooting at me. I grabbed some extra 9mm ammunition for my handgun that I keep on me at all times. Even in the U.N I won't be caught unarmed. I took an m4 off a rack and grabbed several extra mags, stuffing them in propped slots on my vest. I turned to exit the room but not before grabbing some tear gas, smoke grenades and a gas mask.

I ran down the hall in the direction the guards went moments before. I don't have to worry about losing the attackers because they left a trail of destruction and injured guards heading towards Tseng's office.

As I came up to the door of Tseng's office I heard talking inside of it. I peeked around the corner and saw a massive guy with skin white as snow and black hair. His outfit looks like a mix of sci-fi and biker gang.

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