Chapter 37: Intervention Part 2

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3rd Person POV:

(Y/n) was cursing at everything. The Reach for sending a battalion's worth of soldiers and Green Beetle, Robin for getting knocked out early in the fight, Nightwing for the full Team not being here and himself for not bringing enough explosives.

(Y/n) and Robin started their defence at the airstrip, the pair began slowly moving back closer and closer to Zatanna and Rocket as the battle dragged out. Now (Y/n) was actually dragging an unconscious Robin by his cape as seeker mines detonated in the distance, covering the pair's escape to a better position.

(Y/n): "Oh I'm going to sleep for a week when this is over!"

(Y/n) continued to complain as ISAC informed him that the hostiles were advancing. The agent dragged Robin back behind a pillar and moved up to what remained of an ancient wall. He could now see Zatanna and Rocket, he knew he couldn't fall back again without exposing Rocket and Zatanna to direct fire from the Reach soldiers.

(Y/n): "Rocket, kindly remind Zee that we're on the clock and I can't hold these guys off forever."

Rocket: "Hey, Zee. We're on the clock here... yeah I have no idea if she can hear me."

(Y/n): "Great... just great."

Green Beetle and the Reach soldiers advanced to (Y/n)'s old position, only to be met with pre-placed explosives that dealt with the majority of the Reach soldiers in a brutal explosion. (Y/n) emerged from behind a pillar and shot the remaining soldiers before turning his attention to Green Beetle.

(Y/n) forced a weak smile as he knew the Ambassador would be watching.

(Y/n): "Give up. You can't possibly win."

Green Beetle didn't say anything. His arm changed to a plasma cannon in a split second and shot at (Y/n). The plasma bolt hit the ground at the agent's feet and sent him crashing back onto the sand covered stone floor of the temple.

(Y/n) groaned as Green Beetle lifted him up using his telepathic powers and brought him to his knees in front of the Reach warrior.

Green Beetle raised his arm above (Y/n), it was converted into a sword and the Beetle swung down at the agent. (Y/n) had managed to pull out his ballistic shield and blocked the slash. Green's arm lodged itself in the shield, cutting halfway through and stopping inches short of the agent's arm.

Before either could strike Wonder Girl appeared and sent a devastating punch to Green Beetle's face. The warrior crashed into a pillar and it collapsed on top of him. Am exhausted (Y/n) looked up to see Beast Boy, Bumblebee and Wonder Girl.

Wonder Girl: "Looks like you could use some help."

(Y/n): "I had everything under control."

Bumblebee: "Right, and what makes you think that?"

(Y/n): "I'm a professional."

The group groaned as (Y/n) smiled and chuckled at their collective annoyance.

Beast Boy: "How are we supposed to beat him?! We've been kicked around by almost every Beetle we've fought."

(Y/n): "Almost? I wasn't aware you guys won or even forced a draw against a Beetle for that matter."

Bumblebee: "You are so not helping right now!"

(Y/n): "Relax. Draw him in, I only need to land one shot. Keep him off balance until I hit him... go!"

The Team rushed to fight Green as (Y/n) pulled out his sticky thermite launcher. He loaded the explosive thermite round in the gadget and ran to catch up with the group.

Young Justice: Directive 51 (Male Reader X Young Justice)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz