Chapter 11

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Taehyung was looking at me with that same psychotic grin which I've seen multiple times before, while he was---

When I was not in my senses.. Taehyung grabbed me harshly from my neck and lifted me up.

My legs were not touching the ground anymore and I was struggling to breathe, I continuosly started kicking my legs in order to make him release me.

Me: AHKkkk l-leave me T-Taehyung-g (I said while struggling to take a single breath from his tight grip)

But the next moment he just threw me to the other side and I crashed into my glass cupboard, shattering it into pieces.. My head too hit the glass and some glasses went in my scalp.

I held my neck which was probably red my now and started coughing uncontrollably, trying to make my breath even again.

But suddenly Taehyung came in my direction and held me by my neck again and finally said something.

Taehyung: How do you know my name you b*tch?!! (He shouted on my face) Oh right you must have done some research isn't it... to steal what's mine!..Am I right? (He asked with rage in his eyes)

What in the world is he talking about??!!

And what even is his "mine"??!

He loosened his grip around me so I could respond to his nonsense..

Me: I-I don't e-even know what the h-hell are y-you talking a-about.. (I said still trying to breathe normally)

Taehyung: Don't act dumb b*tch!! (He growled)

Then he grabbed a piece of glass which was beside me and made a long and deep cut on my hand with it.

Me: AAAAHHHHHHHHHH !!!! (I shouted, not being able to tolerate the pain)

Pure red blood was oozing out from that cut, making my whole hand bloody.

I tried to stop the blood by holding it from my other hand but it just resulted in making it bloody too.

I was shouting in pain continuously, I had never experienced this extreme pain before.. and it's just terrible.

And when I looked up to look at him... He was just staring at me with an excited yet psychotic expression on his face, who was crying and shouting in pain... As if he was enjoying it like some kind of a drama.

I was loosing so much blood that I started feeling really weak and before I knew it darkness took over me slowly, the last thing I remember was Taehyung saying...

Taehyung: Sleep well... (Psychotic smirk)


I slowly started gaining conciousness and opened my eyes, I blinked a few times to get a clearer view of my surrounding only to see darkness in front of me except an old window in a corner.

Where the hell am I?!

I started getting flashbacks of what happened before this and assumed that Taehyung must have brought me here.

I know what he's capable of...

"Is this my last day on earth today?"

Soyeon's POV

I had been crying uncontrollably after texting Taehyung and was fearing the thought that Taehyung will surely do something to Jimin.

"Will he really kill him?"

I kept thinking this and before I knew it my eyelids started getting heavy and I slowly drifted to sleep.

2:52 am...

Taehyung's POV

I sneaked in my doll's house through her window as usual and made my way to her bedroom to see no one there.

I came out of her bedroom to her living room only to see her sleeping on the couch for the 100th time.

What's the enjoyment she feels by sleeping on the couch in an uncomfortable position??


I came closer to her and noticed her puffy eyes and red nose..

"I guess she cried again."

Nothing is new about it.. she literally cries every single day..

"Well she deserves this, as she kissed that bastard.."

I remembered how they kissed and my eyes filled with rage again.

I harshly picked her up and started making my way to her main gate of her apartment and left.

As I was walking while carrying her I noticed she started moving a bit and before I knew it she shot open her eyes and started shouting and kicking in order to free herself.

Soyeon's POV

I was sleeping peacefully but just I felt like I was swinging or like being carried.

What the hell?

I opened my eyes only to see the person whom I never wanted to meet in person again even in my scariest nightmare too.


I started kicking in the air and shouting for help.

Me: What the f*ck do you want from me you psycho?!! .. LEAVE ME ALONE!!!

Taehyung: Shut up you b*tch or I'll kill you right here!! (He growled, struggling to keep his balance while I was moving)

I started kicking and moving my hands with all my might.... Taehyung finally started losing his balance completely and we ended up on the ground with him on top of me.

We stared at each other's eyes for a moment..

"He indeed has the most beautiful eyes...."

"And those lips..."

He smirked.

Then he started leaning closer and closer....


I got back to my senses again and kicked him off and quickly started running from there in hope to reach my home quickly...

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