Chapter 20

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A few seconds later tae turned to us and took something out of his pocket and suddenly injected it in our neck on which I didn't had a good look on, then out of nowhere I stared feeling really dizzy, and in no time I fell unconscious.. the last thing I remember was him smirking psychotically at us as if   he'd won the game.. (smirk)

"You still didn't change..."

Taehyung's POV

What did they thought, I would give up so easily..?

"A psycho will always be a psycho..." (smirk)


I dragged both of their bodies inside the room and then closed the door behind..

I started tieing the two on the chair tightly with a strong rope so that they won't try to escape.

I smirked while thinking how I'll play with them with my new toys which I had bought not long ago and haven't tried on anyone yet..


Their cries, beggings and screaming would be music to my ears....Pure red blood over everywhere..

How I'll slice their skin with my sharp knife and how attractively the red shiny blood will ooze out of there...(smirk)


After I was done tieing them I stood up and made my way to my most precious box in which I have those toys and started choosing which to use on them..

"The most newly ones I'll only use on my Doll.."

I smirked while thinking how this knife will perfectly glide on her smooth skin..

"Be ready my Doll.."

Soyeon's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and blinked a few times only to again see darkness in front of me and the only source of light was a tubelight which too was flickering, and a small window from which a small amount of brightness was coming..

I then looked at my side to see an unconscious Jimin tied to a chair, I started panicking and then looked at myself only to see that I was too tied with tight ropes around my hands and legs, I tried to scream but to my bitter surprise my mouth was taped, and the screams only came out muffled.

I looked at Jimin to see if his mouth was taped too, but it wasn't... THAT'S UNFAIR MISTER!!

As I was roaming my eyes here and there while panicking, I started hearing some sharp noises, and when I looked in that direction...I saw Taehyung back facing me while in his hands were many sharp tools..

"He really is going to kill us..."

"I thought he really wanted to change...but all of this was just a play to him.."

I bitterly smiled while thinking it's really the end of us, we can't always escape..

As I was lost in my thoughts suddenly I heard him saying something..

Taehyung: Oh my Doll is awake huh?
How was your sleep? (He asked while walking closer to me.)

I looked somewhere else to avoid his eye contact.

Taehyung: Doll, I asked you something wouldn't you respond?? (He asked coming more close and now he was standing just above me)

He bend down to my level and grabbed my jaw harshly and spoke in an aggressive tone..

Taehyung: I. Asked. You. A. Damn. Question! HOW WAS YOUR F*CKING SLEEP?!!

I lightly flinched and then looked at him in the eye then cursed him with my muffled voice..

This stupid Bastard firstly put on a damn tape on my mouth and then he expect me to f*cking talk and answer his childish question!!!

Taehyung: Ohhh! I'm so sorry Doll, I forgot to remove the tape from your mouth..(He said while grinning at me like a child)

He removed the tape lightly without hurting me and now my "bootiful" lips could finally breathe..

Taehyung was about to say something but just then we heard...

Jimin: S-Soyeon..(He said while being half concious)

Taehyung's eyes shifted towards him and then he stood up, I sighed in relief when he is no longer infront of me, killing me with his sharp gaze..

Taehyung: oh look who's awake, don't you think you took too long to wake up?? Well anyways now... we'll have a little chit-chat before you die by my hands..(He said while psychotically grinning)

I looked at Jimin to see him really calm and lightly smirking in this situation....What the hell?!

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Anyways have a good day ✨

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚜𝚢𝚌𝚑𝚘 𝙱𝚘𝚢 2 (Tae ff)Where stories live. Discover now