Chapter 22

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But just then we heard the door slam open and some men barged in with guns in their hands.

They surrounded us, and one of them said..

Man1: Kim Taehyung you are under arrest put your hands up and surrender !! (He exclaimed while all pointing gun at him)

What on earth is happening???

Taehyung's POV


Man2: Put your hands up or we'll not not hesitate to shoot you !!

I don't have any choice..

I was not prepared for this...

I hesitantly put my hands up in the air and backed off.

Just then one more man entered who was a bit old than the others.

Some men came forward and untied Jimin and Soyeon.

I was still in shock of how did they find me, but I didn't show any expression and was just standing there with a straight face.

I have a strong feeling that this is the end of me now.....

Author's POV

Soyeon and Taehyung was in utter shock but Jimin was seeming to be not affected by a single thing happening around and was standing with a proud expression on his face.

Then the old man came forward and said something which made both soyeon and Taehyung gasp in shock and disbelief...

Old man: Great job Agent 002 we finally got him. (He said while patting jimin's shoulder with a proud smile)

Jimin nodded and thanked him.

Soyeon: J-Jimin what on earth is happening and, w-what do you have to do with all of them??!! (She said not believing anything around her)

Old man: Ohh so you did all of this planning secretly. I'm proud to have such a witty agent among us. (He smiled)

Jimin: Sir it's my job and I'm grateful too to have such a supportive team..(he said while returning the smile)

The man nodded and left..

Soyeon: Jimin what were you even saying?!!! I WANT AN EXPLANATION!!

Taehyung: Soyeon didn't you understand till now that it was all just an act of him to arrest me! Can't you understand by their wordings that he is just an agent who was sent to make me go to a f*cking prison!! (He exclaimed while having a visible expression of defeat)

Soyeon: I-I...(she was not able to comprehend what to even say at this situation..she was feeling mixed feelings like anger and...... betrayal...)

Jimin: Soyeon don't listen to him.. I will explain everything to you.. just wait. (He exclaimed nervously as he was having a feeling that she will not accept him)

Taehyung: And importantly....he don't even mean a single word he said to you while playing this stupid act.. (he said while smirking, in order to make her hate him)

Soyeon's eyes started building up in tears and not a single word was coming out of her mouth.. Jimin noticed that and started feeling worried..

Jimin: Soyeon j-just don't listen to him he is trying to separate us... T-Try to understand please.. REST OF YOU WHAT ARE YOU ALL EVEN WAITING FOR?? TAKE HIM AWAY !! (He annoyedly exclaimed)

All: Yes Sir

They all said in a sync and took Taehyung with them who was not even trying to escape...accepting his defeat.

When they all left Jimin came to soyeon and held both her hands in order to give her reasons but she just yanked his hand away with a hurt expression on her face.

Jimin: Cutie p-please liste- (he tried to explain but she cut his words off)

Soyeon: What is left to explain?? You hurt me! Your "I love you soyeon" was just an act for you??... I really loved you but you just played with my feelings... (She said with her cracked voice while tears were uncontrollably falling from her eyes)

Jimin: N-No it's not t-true, please l-let me explai- (he said while tears started building in his eyes too)

Soyeon: I Hate You...

She said those three words which were enough to make Jimin let out his tears which he was holding.

She turned around to leave from there but again looked at Jimin to give him a last look which was nothing other than hate and betrayal..

Then she stormed out of there while crying uncontrollably..

Jimin too started crying hysterically the second she left him and started throwing things here and there.

He was broken..

The love of his life just left him due to some stupid misunderstanding.

He was angry on himself too for not telling soyeon his real identity in the first place and make the plan going.

Jimin: But I still love you.....

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚜𝚢𝚌𝚑𝚘 𝙱𝚘𝚢 2 (Tae ff)Where stories live. Discover now