Chapter 6

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(Wall Maria)
Everyone was watching the giant titan with horror.

Roman:"H-How? The walls are 50 meters high! Is that thing seriously that tall?!"

Mikasa:"Roman we have to-!"

The collosal Titan had kicked the gates of Wall Maria and many pieces of debris started flying everywhere.


He shouts pushing Mikasa and getting on the ground. Immediately after he did that a large piece of rock flew past him and it crushed into a house.

Roman:"That was so close!"

Mikasa:"Um Roman"


Roman looks down and he was on top of Mikasa. He immediately got off of her and he pulled her to her feet.

Roman:"I'm sorry about that I didn't mean to-"

He cut himself off.


He screams remembering that his mother was still in her clothing store.
He starts running running to the stores direction.


Eren's shouts his name but Roman doesn't stop. He continues running but he stops along the way.

Roman:"Oh no"

He was staring at the now destroyed gate and titans were walking in through the wall. Most of them had disturbing and terrifying smiles across their faces as they were eating people. Roman was watching in horror as they started eating people.
But he looks away and covers his eyes trying to cut off the screams of the people being killed.

Roman:"I have to get to mom!"

He says running away from the carnage. He arrives at his mother store but he stops when he sees a giant rock on top of it.


He runs through the debris and he starts looking through the destroyed clothing store.


He says until he hears coughing. He turns and there he saw he's mother.


He runs to her but he stops when he sees what had happened to her. She was impaled by a metal rod and she was in alit of pain. Roman runs to her side and he kneels down.


Roman:"Yeah it's me mom! We have to get out of here before the titans show up!"

He says attempting to pull the metal rod off of her.

Nora:"Roman stop"

She coughs but Roman continues.

Roman:"I can get you out if this just wait a little longer!"

He continues pulling and it started getting lose but it only increased the pain his mother was feeling.

Nora:"Roman stop!"

She pleads to her son.

Nora:"Even if you manage to get this thing off of me. I'll still lose alot of blood and I'll only be slowing you down!"

Roman:"Don't say that!"

He says tears forming in his eyes.

Roman:"I can get us both out of here! Just trust me!"

He says continuing to pull the rod.


He continues pulling but he starts to hear giant thumping. It is getting closer and closer. Roman decides to look back but he instantly froze in pure fear.

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