Stare; it's all you do

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Kokichi Ouma. He was a nobody to most people. He was picked on, but only from time to time, it still hurt yes but it didn't matter. It never did. It never used to. Now it does. To understand however you'll have to look closer. 

Kokichi Ouma. At his home when he was little his father would cheat on his mother and beat her. Before his mother, Koizumi, could divorce him he died in a car crash. His mother remarried to a kind man. He would say some...hurtful things, he never meant it, he loved his mother. His stepfather was one of the only people who could try to understand Ouma. His mother got breast cancer and died in front of him. It was tragic and Ouma's stepdad had to work extra to get enough food on the table, to keep a roof over their head. Ouma knew not to get upset that his stepfather wasn't spending as much time with him. He knew his stepfather was a person of color and transgender so it was harder for him. It still hurt, but, he learned to live with it. He had a tough skin...mostly. He still thought that his stepdad was unpleased with him. As if he couldn't be enough. Even though he knew those types of thoughts were wrong as still hurt. Everything hurt

One's so hard to remember who, or how it started. All we know is someone said 

I was in all his classes since elementary he was never good at any main course. One day I was going to Mr. Tanaka's class after school and I see Kokichi and him having sex 

It was a tease but a tease became a rumor which became what most people think they know is the truth. Whether they thought he was a slut.  Whether they thought he starved himself for attention just so he can eat like a fatass. Whether they thought he was gay. Everyone knows when a rumor goes out of hand. It becomes the truth no matter how sick and twisted it is. To most it's the truth. Jesus, the rumor is so bad that he has no friends, except Saihara they weren't friends but they weren't not friends either. 

He knows no one feels bad. Once a rumor spirals everyone's favorite thing to do is to add more fuel to the fire and stare like their life depends on it.The sad thing is he can't walk around the halls without hearing. 

He's such a pig!

If I were him I'd kill myself 

He should go look for some coins under the vending machine 

I bet he slept with five different guys this week 

I heard he sells his body!

Hey Ouma! Don't cut yourself on the edge! 

All this just because of a joke. 

It's painful right? 

Even if you try to help you can't 

Beacuse all anyone can do is 


Are you ok? (Pregame Saiouma) NON TOXIC! (i hate this and its discontuinted)Where stories live. Discover now