What!? It was self defense!

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TW/CW: I will go into some detail on how they hurt Kokichi. That and I am adding an OC into the story her/his name is Felicity and she used he/she. 

Another day was another day of being bullied, harassed and teased by almost everyone. It was insufferable and unbearable. Kokichi was leaving school hoping that he could just walk home without anyone trying to comment on his...anything. His luck ran out quick however as he got picked up by the collar. 

"Hey! Why don't we teach this whore a lesson!" Kaito said 

"I can't wait to pluck his eyes out!" A florescent fire-like hair. Her eyes could pierce threw skin itself 

"Oooohhh I can't wait to take his stomach and rip it open!" A raggedy yet sturdy male spoke. 

"I would like a first try at breaking his skull," Kaito said "Felicity, hold him up why don't 'cha?" With that the firey women held Kokichi up like the useless punching bag he was. Kaito looked at the febrile, exhausted boy. Kaito clenched his fist and started to harshly hit Ouma's face. It did nothing then nothing turned into a light bruises which turned into bleeding for some of the black and blue colored bruises. Soon enough he broke Ouma's nose and knocked out on of his teeth. Ouma tried to fight back but impractical it was. As it just made it worse. Soon enough Kaito got bored of it. 

"Why don't you hurt the slut more Rantaro?" within, not even a second, the raggedy yet sturdy male became strong... He started to brutally kick Kokichi making him throw up blood. Then Rantaro spoke, "how about you finish him off Felicity?" Felicity, for a short moment, she...he..? Looked sorrowful of the broken-up Ouma. Like she--he--? Never wanted this. She kneeled to Kokichi whispered. 

"Lets finish them off...im sorry...you know how to stage fight right?" ouma signed yes. "Good," 

Felicity then fake punched Ouma, then kokichi picked up her arm and flipped her over, but it was mainly all her since he was never he could never be as strong as that. Ouma started to kick the living shot out of Kaito and Felicity held Rantaro back. Finally...there is someone in this hideous world who...likes me Kokichi thought. Sadly that thought caught him off guard as Kaito tripped him. Then Kaito started to best him again only this time Kokichi pulled out a poker knife. It was a pretty one too, it had a beautiful blue with a silky yellow gradient with butterflies engraved in it. only it was stained in his blood. It still looked pretty non the less. However before he could do anything Shuichi came rushing in. 

"Ouma! What are you doing!?" he asked. No, he's disappointed no! It's all my fault I need to explain! But he couldn't he stood there frozen as ice, but, just like ice he melted and started to cry. He hated it. 

"I just--" he stuttered "it was self-defense!" 

"Ill get you patched up!" Shuichi said picking up Kokichi and leaving.

"Im helping too emo looking ass!" Felicity called out as she followed behind them. maybe this is going to get better...just maybe Kokichi thought.

"Boo! You stopped the fight!" someone called out. 

"Fucking asshole is going to get what's coming to him!" Kaito cursed out 

"Which asshole?" Rantaro asked 

"Both of them," 

Are you ok? (Pregame Saiouma) NON TOXIC! (i hate this and its discontuinted)Where stories live. Discover now