s a v e m e i t h u r t s

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Hello there is very severe bulling I know I warned bulling at the beginning just wanted to add that this is bad... also the usage of the f slur and t slur it will be censored!

It was Monday and the bulling was worse than before, to start off when Kokichi went to his locker, the front of it was written in all kinds of hate speeches and slurs. Some of the most noticeable ones said 





 once he opened it a dead skunk with its guts spilled all over it. it had a note inside its stomach. Kokichi grew up at the site of it he wanted to grab the note and read it but he knew he could never do it. When he got to his desk it was all written in hate speech as well except it had the words kill yourself whore and it had a voodoo doll of him being stuck to the desk with a knife implied threw its stomach. He couldn't get from period to period without being shoved, things being thrown at him; at times if he was against a wall some people would throw pocket knives at him, thank god he didn't get hurt. However he did get hurt if he went into the bathroom whilst others were smoking because they would put out the cigarettes with his hair or skin. He'd be glad if Felicity crossed his oath as anyone was too scared to go near her so it was like Ouma's personal bodyguard. As for Tsumigi. He was too scared to make eye contact with her. During lunch Shuichi got permission to use an empty classroom to eat and Kokichi got to tagalong so it was helpful but after school he would often get beat and sadly Shuichi was rarely ever there but when he was Kokichi felt as if all his pain went away.

 Short story long, this was everyday for him except it got more and more brutal. Sometimes he'll have a beheaded animal and huge spiders and lucky him he had a crippling phobia of spiders. Some kids 'teasingly' made him uncomfortable on purpose, touching him in places that he didn't like...so on and so forth.

 The more this happened the more he went with to Shuichi. Then everything was better. Weeks were like this now, except something happened to Shuichi. You see he thought Ouma was...

Was so fucking adorable. He loved Ouma as the moon loves each small twinkling star.  He wanted to confess his feelings to Kokichi but he was scared of doing it when he was fragile. Don't worry they got times to do fun things and hang out. That's when Shuichi hatched a plan....this will work it has to!

(Its two am I'm tired so night)

(UPADATE: I realized I said he did t like, he does not like it!)

Are you ok? (Pregame Saiouma) NON TOXIC! (i hate this and its discontuinted)Where stories live. Discover now