Stop it! Your being kind!

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Tuesday morning in home room 

The rumors are back at it again with constant whispers. Most people; like you yourself, might think, why hasn't this died down? Because almost everyday something new gets added or it's just too fun to stop! I mean don't you see people tare down others lives for fun? Anyways it's morning home room. Ouma is just trying to cope whilst Saihara is just glancing at him. He wasn't going to help Ouma even though he knows Ouma needs it...he just doesn't know how to help you know? But he wanted to take a step out of his comfort zone. A crumpled paper flew at Ouma's head bouncing to Ouma's desk. Kokichi opened it slowly...then immediately crumbled it trying not to cry.

"Hey can I see the paper?" Saihara asked. Kokichi nodded and just gave it to him while putting his head on his arms. Siahara opened the paper to revel a stick figure who looked like Ouma frowning and hanging from a noose. The badly drawn Ouma said "I'm a stupid slut," underneath the drawing was a message saying "Go kill yourself! It'll be just as good as that head you get!" Saihara frowned at the sad boy. Before he could say a word Iruma came up to Kokichi. 

"Hey, guys! You want to hear a story about this whore!?" Iruma asked the classes everyone nodded their heads "So I was walking home like usual and I pass by Mr. Suzuki's car and there I see Ouma being railed by him you wanna know what he said?!" she asked again 

"Ooh! Ooh! I bet he screamed 'faster! Faster!" One girl mocked sending the class into laughter

"I would say he would be as tight as a virgin but id get only one part wrong!" A boy laughed 

"You both are so right! He was like 'ah! Harder' goddam it's not even funny how much of a slut he is!" Iruma said  "He's so lonely that not even after they fuck anyone wants to be with him!" 

"I would!" Shuichi impulsively called out. Silence was there until everyone started to laugh so hard. 

"Y-you must be kidding!" One person said 

"Yeah! Being around him is like social suicide!" A girl called out

"Yeah plus even if you did try he'd just want to get laid!" Someone said "And then he'd eat all this shit after he tries to pull that 'aww I wanna starve myself I love attention'" 

Shuichi grappled kokichis wrist and left the classroom. "I'm so sorry about them," he said "I know your none of these things," 

"Stop," Ouma said "Your being do I know you're not lying.." Shuichi hugged him 

"I would never," 

Are you ok? (Pregame Saiouma) NON TOXIC! (i hate this and its discontuinted)Where stories live. Discover now