They found out...

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(Hello! I would like to say that dismembered domestic animals and dead domestic animals will be talked about although every vaguely I still want to but up a warning that and there is slurs however some letters are replaced by number ex: H3ll0) 

Tomorrow was a new day. He didn't know why, it was quite dumb, but he had hope some form of it, he had hope that it'd be ok just a bit just for once but he was as wrong as the sun shining at night. He went to his locker with his beloved. Out came a beheaded white cat, with its eyes plucked out. for a quick moment he thought it was his gaurdian angel but he realized two  reasons why it wasnt her first, it was a long hair and second the eyes were yellow. Still it was disgusting. 

"What...what monster would do his," he almost cried. 

"Awe, is the f4g and his boyfriend going to cry?" A student with greyish hair taunted. they can't have known! Right!? Kokichi was in a state of panic. 

"Aw isn't this a lovely cat~? What if I pretended it was your head and," he stopped in the beheaded cat smooshing it till it almost all of its head departed. Kokichi clinged to Shuichi looking the opposite way. It was disgusting, utterly disgusting how could someone find pleasure in murdering an innocent animal. It's truly sicking. "Aw is the little bitch boy going to cry? First it's the teachers and now this? You are seriously pathetic Kokichi go jump off a bri-" before he could continue Shuichi punched him in the face—hard.

"Gah, ah I see you want to protect your sensitive slut? Well don't come crying when he cheats on you with a—" Shuichi didn't want to hear any of his bullshit. He kicked him in the dick and then broke his nose. 

"Come on 'Kokichi' we have better things to do," Shuichi put air quotes on the word Kokichi and they went into the single bathroom Kokichi following him. (In my school there's two bathrooms that aren't the nurses bathroom that are for anyone to use and it's specifically fits one person) he locked the door and hugged Kokichi. 

Shuichi told him "You can cry now angel no one will hurt you," Kokichi sobbed into Saihara's shoulder. Saihara ruffled Ouma's softly hair "shh shh it's ok my angel, I'm here for you I love you," 

"P-promise to not leave me  when you can be with me right?" Ouma sniffed 

"I would never," Shuichi kissed Kokichi's forehead. "But could you do me a favor, talk to Tsumigi," Kokichi nodded. 

"I will, anything for you beloved," they hugged again. "Let's go back before we lose track of time," Shuichi nodded as they exited the stall. When they were walking back to home room they saw a dainty female, looking strangely close to kokichi's garden angel. Minus the cat ears. 

"AH! WHO THE FUCK KILLED A CAT!?" The luscious women cried . Shuichi advised to leave the area but Kokichi rushed towards the women. Time felt like it had frozen like a pond on a winters day, like the roots in a tree. He was in the home room class, eyeing Tsumugi. Just talk to her, just talk to her , just talk to her. He repeated in his head. He slowly creeped up to her. His cover was blown when someone yelled 

"HA LOOKS LIKE THE TR4N13 IS TRYING TO GET A LOOK UP TSUMIGI'S SKIRT," He laughed and soon everyone— minus Shuichi and tsumigi— laughed along with him. 

"I...I need to talk to you," he whispered to tsumigi. She nodded and whispered back. 

"We can do that during study hall," he shook his head in agreement but he wished they could talk now because his anxiety is going to get the worst of him. He's going to have to calm down and not break. Although it was quite conspicuous that his anxiety was suffocating him. In different classes all throughout them he was trying to just calm down. It's wasn't failing miserably but he wasn't successful either.  His friend and boyfriend tried to help him out, but he declined the offer saying he was perfectly fine, when in reality he couldn't have been farther from the truth. However when it was study hall...tsumigi was missing. No no she couldn't be she can't be! This was the worst. Tsumigi Shirogami cannot be not at study hall. Uhluckly she wasn't. Kokichi immediately thought worst case scenario. He started to drift off about it even. 

He drifted off so much in fact that he hardly ever realized that he got shoved into a locker with dead things in it. He was going to throw up and he was hyperventilating. He had claustrophobic and I think it was quite obvious why he would throw up. He felt as if he was in this void and there was Tsumigi except her face was missing she spoke

I hate you so much Ouma, you are disgusting and I hate every single thing about you. Your distruthful self, how you are so negative your a ducking attention seeker, You truly and utterly make me sick. 

She disappeared Kokichi couldn't move, he was rooted to the ground on the brink of tears. Then there was Saihara but he looked heavily distorted. Kokichi hated the fact that he was in this place this suffocating place! Why now why why why! Why can't he be normal?! Why can't he be anything other than himself. At this rate he just wants to be those dead animals. I deserved my head cut off and crushed...not that innocent sweet cat...why can't I just kill myself already. The already cramped locker seemed to be getting smaller and smaller to the point where he felt not even his hand could've fit inside. He wanted to be let out of this hell he was experiencing. 

"Beloved p-please let me out," he mutteringly called out. He was lucky that Shuichi was around when he heard him talking. Soon enough that scary and eerie Shuichi got replaced with a loving and worried one. Shuichi immediately pulled him out of there. 

"Hey angel," he softly spoke, almost every single student had left at this point, it felt nice knowing that it was only them without anyone threatening them both.  "Are you ok?" 

Shuichi whipped the tears from Kokichi, Kokichi stayed silent for a moment, "I...I want to go home," he whispered to Shuichi. 

"Ok chichi," he said making Kokichi feel flustered to the new nickname, but still the anxiety swirled back to him quickly all beacuse of tsumigi not being there, all beacuse of that tightly cramped locker. To be truly fair he had no clue how long but it felt like hours, hours, and hours stuck in an endless void. They reached kokichis house and went to his room. It was tense and the air was think. Shuichi was the one to say something. 

"Is everything ok my angel?" Kokichi couldn't hold his over whelming anxiety and thanks to that he couldn't control his voice nor tears and thanks to that he wasn't think when he said

"Nothing is ok, she didn't see me and the small space! How did they know what she looked like why why! Why can't I just join those animals they've brutally killed it's all my fault their dead anyways, I, I just need it to be a full moon please I need to see her, someone needs to kill me Shuichi! I'm such an—" before Kokichi could continue his overreactment Shuichi hugged him while saying. 

 "No chichi, you don't deserve to be dead, you are so perfect and you have such a kind heart. Whatever happens to those animals aren't your fault! It's what they do it's their fault. With Tsumigi she has to leave for a doctor's appointment I was meaning to tell you I'm so sorry my angel," Kokichi just ever so lightly stoped crying. Shuichi slightly pulled away from the hug but Kokichi just wanted it to last longer. He liked being close to his beloved like that it was soothing. Shuichi gave him small kisses on his forehead "Is there anything else you want to tell me," 

"No," Kokichi thought about his food problem and his body but he didn't feel worthy of being pitied. His brain—his foggy brain—was making them want to just die. It happens in his dreams so why not in real life. He hated himself though he wasn't sure if it was for the fact he didn't tell Shuichi or that he thought about telling Shuichi. Nonetheless he just wanted to hug longer, he pulled back into a hug when he heard the doorbell ring...who could that be?

Are you ok? (Pregame Saiouma) NON TOXIC! (i hate this and its discontuinted)Where stories live. Discover now