Little date ❤️

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(Hey more fluff beacuse my angst in store is going to be bad so enjoy this lovey-dovey cotton candy posin /j I love fluff <3)



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Enjoy it 

It was almost morning. 10:09am to be exact Kokichi woke up which also resulted Shuichi to wake up. Where am I Kokichi thought worryingly then realized he was in Shuichi's bed. 

"Good morning angel, how was your sleep?" 

"I hate being wrong," Kokichi muttered Shuichi hugged Kokichi while saying 

"And I love being right," 

"What are we doing today?" Kokichi asked 

"It's a surprise but someone's hair has to be styled~" Shuichi said

"Ok ok finned," Kokichi giggled. 

Time passes and kokichi's hair process was flatting it out and then curling it a tad messing up and somewhat brush it up then put hair spray. It looked very fluffy like a cloud. 

"How do you like it angel?" Shuichi asked 

"I love it beloved! Can we go out some where please," Ouma begged 

"Ok then, we can walk there it's close," 

"Ok, we just need to get changed out of our sleep wear," Kokichi stated Shuichi nodded, they both went to get changed. 

Kokichi was wearing  a purpled tie dyed grape Fanta t-shirt, with ripped jeans, and a loosely worn purple checkered  jacket whitest Shuichi wore a plain black t-shirt, black jeans and one fingerless glove. They both left Shuichi's house together. Kokichi followed to where ever Shuichi was going. 

"You look so beautiful today my angel," Shuichi complimented. 

"You look handsome beloved! So handsome!" Kokichi replied. Loving people has been a bad problem for Kokichi but loving Shuichi was a goood problem for him to have. They reached a beautiful plaza filled with small, restraints shops, and so much more. 

Teh day flew by like seconds at one point they went to an ice cream parlor and got ice cream. Kokichi got Ube ice cream while Shuichi got strawberry. At some point they were walking  and Kokichi dropped his ice cream. 

"Dammit!" He said. Shuichi handed Kokichi his ice cream saying 

"Here angel, have it," Ouma felt guilty for some reason. 

"No beloved I couldn't it's yours," 

"Just take it angel, I wasn't going to finish it," Kokichi took the ice cream, then they both went in for a kiss. They went back to Shuichi's house and to his room. Kokichi clinged to Shuichi lovingly. 

"You've made me so happy thank you so much beloved," Kokichi said 

"It's my job, I'm here to be with you and take care of you my angel," he replied "it's also my job to give you all these kisses and love!" 

"Oh no! My weakness!" They giggled on how stupid they sounded. It didn't matter. Loves makes you stupid with...well love! At some point Kokichi was rapped around Shuichi as he sat up reading a book to him, it was lovely everything was lovely. 

It was the best day for the both of them...sadly they were in for a terrible time tomorrow.

(Hi um I may update at 3am if I can't sleep or if I get motivation if not then we'll yk)

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