hot pink wrists and thighs

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If you get unsettled by dream core/trauma core then do not read this chapter in the future (once more chapters get added) skip over this or wait till the next chapter thank you. 

He was hanging out with Tsumigi. Just like they planned but...a male teacher...Mr. Suzuki...wanted to see him. He knew he had to ditch Tsumigi for him he didn't have a choice. He promised Mr. Suzuki that at 5:30 he'd come over and see him. As much as he'd like to spend more time with Tsumigi he was top scared of Suzuki. He was scared of what Suzuki would do to him. Five minutes before he had to leave her. He was shaking slightly but it was hardly notable unless you looked closely. 

"So have you made any new friends since I've been gone?" Tsumigi asked 

"No well yes, I'm not sure...I mean shuicui and I are close. Felicity and I, I'm not sure," he said 

"That's it? You're an amazing friend and I'm the one you have to rely on," 

"What's that supposed to mean?!" 

"Whatever you want it to mean!" 

"....I'm sorry, Tsumigi...I have to leave at 5:30," he muttered 

"It's fine! Plus I have a question before you leave in a bit!" 

"What is it?" 

"Well...I guess it's why you are more silent and careful, with your words like it's a short puzzle. Like it's easy to assemble but it takes a bit of time." The silence that fell between them proved Shirogami's point more. 

"Rumors I guess I don't know," 

"Ah ok then," it was 5:30 

"Well, I git to go! I promise to spend more time with you!" Ouma promised 

"You better!" Tsumigi took two of her fingers was kissed them then playful shaped Kokichi "see ya!" 


Ouma sees Mr. Suzuki. Time passes quickly to most but what felt like forever with Ouma. We, of course, won't get into the nitty-gritty details but he was dropped off at his house. He bolted to his room and slammed the door. He was crying no, no sobbing so much. He called Shuichi. The only person his mind trusted and no response. 

"I hate this! I hate myself! Why is my body my only worth..?! I hate that! Why did he make me do it! I feel disgusting!" he screamed at himself luckily no one was home it was just him and himself alone. He grabbed one of his pocket knives. It was a dark purple color with a lighter purple glitter lightly on it with words in black saying f o r e v e r he broke his skin on his wrist once and repeated the action. "This is what I get for being a dumb slut! Why am I a whore why can't I be good for once? Kaito should have killed me while he had the chance!" his hot pink blood was flowing all over his clothes and the floor. I moved to my thighs repeating the same action as before. Luckily shuicui called him and he immediately picked up. 

"Hey Ouma what's wrong?" Shuichi 

"Just come over...please I...ill explain later," Ouma quickly explained 

"Ok...ill be there in five," he hung up the phone and Kokichi quickly banged his arms. The badge wasn't enough as it bleed threw the fabric, he looked at his arm in pure disgust. He doesn't know how long he stared at himself but it must have been long enough for Shuichi to ring the doorbell. Ouma opened the door and let him in covering his bloody arm. They both went upstairs. 

"What's wrong?" Shuichi asked. Kokichi slowly and weakly inhaled and exhaled.

" everyone rumors about me...having sex with teachers..?" He chocked on his repulsion worsening with each word he spoke out. Shuichi nodded anxiously not fully knowing what Kokichi would say next. 

Are you ok? (Pregame Saiouma) NON TOXIC! (i hate this and its discontuinted)Where stories live. Discover now