Chapter Five~ Getting Ready with the Amazon

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When Kareena unlocked the door and stepped in, she saw the lights on in the kitchen. To her, that could only mean one answer.

"Samara is home!" she excitedly squealed, running into the kitchen.

Kareena's current relationship with her sister was something she would never give up. Not for anything in the world. At least at the moment.

When Samara was around, Kareena felt like she could be a kid again.

Forced to grow up at such a young age, Kareena found it hard to remember that she had just recently turned eighteen.

Upon hearing the squeal and hurried footsteps, she turned around and faced a big-eyed, brightly smiling girl. A soft smile graced her lips when she saw the young girl.

"How was your day?" She signed.

Three years older, Samara Acharya was born a mute. She and her little sister had learned sign language together to better their communication.

After her parents' death at seventeen, she quickly dropped out of school, becoming a cleaner for one of the Park buildings. Later she was hired as the Park household maid.

It was one of the reasons Kareena wasn't fond of the Park company or family. They had no respect for her sister and she hated to watch someone she loved suffer.

Up at six in the morning and unsure of when she'll be back, always belittling her, they didn't treat her fairly or with any respect. Samara herself was able to put up with it, she was getting paid after all, but Kareena had yet to see a reason why she should like the Parks.

"My day was good. Zion invited me to a party Friday night. I think I'm going to go. Nastasia is covering my shift and I don't have work the next day. Do you think I could go?" She answered, not bothering to mention who the party was thrown by.

"Sure thing, just try and have fun, you are still a teenager." she signed.

"Thank you," Kareena replied, going into her room.

The days passed by and Friday couldn't slow enough, according to Kareena of course. Unfortunately, the week passed by quickly. The following day, after the picture was posted, it was only a few days of people questioning her and talking behind her back before another post came out and everything regarding her had blown over.

Oliver, on the other hand, avoided her at all costs. After his confession, the trouble at the restaurant, and life in general, he couldn't bring himself to be in the same hallway as her. That made Kareena's job-finding him to apologize-a lot harder.

On Friday, Kareena was tired but held it back. Darkness had come just like any other night. Kareena was on her mattress, flipping through an old magazine.

As she was waiting to be picked up, looking at outfits she couldn't afford, a knock fell on the door. As she made her way off her bed and to the door, she wondered who it could be.

It's too early to be Zion and Aidan and it's way too early to be Samara.

Opening the door, she was surprised to see Nastasia. When her eyes drifted down, she saw the multiple bags and her well-known makeup-to-go kit.

"Nat, what are you doing here?" She was almost too afraid to ask.

Instead of answering, Nastasia pushed her way in, making her way to the couch so that she could drop her bags.

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