Chapter Twenty~ Timing & Tutoring

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 💎 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Walking into the loft, it was absolutely silent. Aidan wasn't there to greet her or ask how her day went, but his room light was still on.

Kareena knew why, she heard it at school this morning.

Thinking about it, he had every right to be upset with her. Hating to admit it, he was right. There were countless nights she had cried to him about the Park family, the corporation, and life. So, why wouldn't he be shocked and worried for her when he heard the news.

Walking up to his door, she put her hand on the doorknob. During the moment of hesitation, instead of turning and opening it, she dropped her hand and raced to Tommy's room.

Collapsing on the bed.

Why wouldn't he be mad at me? I cry in his arms for years and then completely contradict myself. Why-

The thought bubble popped when there was a rap of knocks on the door. Knowing it could only be one person, she whipped open the door and jumped in his arms.

"Aidan, I thought you were mad at me!" She squealed excitedly, tightening his grip.

"Why on earth would I be mad at you? Actually, I thought you were the one mad at me. I heard you outside my door, I was waiting for you to come in, but I heard you run off." He recalled the moment when he heard the doorknob of his room turn ever so slightly.

"I'm not mad, I could never be mad at you. In fact, the only person I'm mad at is myself. I just want to help my sister. That's all I want to do- that's all I ever want to do." Kareena cleared up.

"Kari, I'm not mad at you, I was a little annoyed earlier because you didn't tell me. I mean, you live three feet away from me, how could you not tell me?" Aidan thought back to when he heard the news and how annoyed he was.

Shrinking timidly, her face fell. "I was embarrassed. My entire life I talked about how they are such bad people and how I dislike them and here I am working for them. I'm such a coward."

Watching multiple emotions flow through her eyes, Aidan's lips faltered into a frown. "Kari, I don't think you're as much of a coward as you think you are. If you think about it, all you're doing is adapting to life. It happens."

Kareena remained silent, slowly nodding her head, she continued to listen to his wise words. "You'll know when, how much is too much. And if that happens, we'll be here for you. You just... have to talk to us."

When the silence was still around them, Aidan decided to fill it with something else. "Are you still staying here?"

Kareena's eyes shined like a little puppy ready for food, if she had a tail it would be wagging. "I was hoping too. Samara explained that she was moving into the Park Mansion. They offered it to make her work experience more 'comfortable'. I don't know why they're doing it, all I know is I can't do it."

Pulling her into a random hug, Kareena's body tensed before she realized what was going on. "I'm so glad you're not leaving," Aidan whispered as he leaned his head in the crook of her neck.

As they sat on the bed the two talked, Aidan, expressed his worry for her and Kareena made promises she had no idea how to keep.

"So, when are you going to tell Nat, you have to quit your job."

"The moment I know she won't kill me."

"So, never?" Aidan laughed by her side, which made her laugh harder.

Over at the Park guest house, Samara was setting up the rest of her room, which to Kareena seemed to be a big storage closet.

As she was hanging her clothes she heard footsteps behind her, whirling around she was faced with Jin.

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