Chapter Twenty-Seven~ White Boots & Beige Overcoats

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It was early in the morning. Kareena had clipped her dark hair back with pastel pink clips, she wore the same colour sweater, a white pleated skirt, and white platform boots.

Aidan and Kareena had picked up Zion and Nastasia before they knew it, the four of them were running to the fairgrounds, praying they wouldn't be caught arriving late.

Slipping into the crowd of workers and volunteers, they were pushed into the spotlight when Mrs. Bitorish called them out.

"You four!" She pointed them out. "Why am I not surprised you are the only ones late." She continued to scold them for their laziness and lack of time management.

"Well, what are you doing standing around uselessly? Get to your places!"

With a tired expression, Kareena mumbled an apology. "Yes, Mrs. Bitterbitch." She used the awful nickname aloud. The poor girl didn't realize until Nastasia burst out laughing and Aidan elbowed her in the gut. "I mean, Mrs. Bitorish." She quickly corrected herself. No longer tired, Kareena stood up straighter than she had ever been in her life and ran off to turn on the cotton candy machine.

When Nastasia and Aidan had finished setting up the kissing booth, they strolled down the grass, catching a glimpse of the fellow colourful booths, games, and vendors that neatly lined the path, as they went to find their friends.

Just past the carousel was Zion in his swim trunks, he sat inside a plexiglass case on a plank. When Aidan waved, it occurred to him. "Hey Zion?"

"Yeah?" He yelled, his loud voice only echoing back at him.

"You know how you date and dump a bunch of girls on a bi-weekly basis?" He asked, Zion, nodded, waiting for him to get to the point. "Well, don't you think all those girls will want some type of revenge."

Nastasia quickly caught onto where he was going. "Oh yes," she said before turning her smirk to the boy encased in clear plastic. "And what better revenge is there than dumping the boy who broke your heart in cold water?"

"Oh crap, you're totally right." Panic flooded Zion's dark face as he banged on the walls around him. "Get me outta here!"

Aidan and Nastasia only cackled as they gleefully walked away to find Kareena. Leaving Zion to his doom.

By the end of the food vendors, they saw Kareena intensely focused on the pink cotton candy machine behind her pretty pink booth.

"Hey Kari, how's it going?"

"Awful." She cried, throwing her paper cone up in the air. "I'm never going to get the hang of this..." Kareena gave up before she even started.

Nastasia only shook her head, grabbing a cone from the stack at the side. "Here, look. Relax your hand, tilt at an angle, and tada!" Kareena's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree when she saw the perfect cloud of pink cotton candy.

"Oh my gods, it's perfect." She beamed, staring at the piece of perfection Nastasia put in her hands. "Switch jobs with me, please!" She practically begged.

"Wow, Kari didn't think you were the type to want to kiss strangers." Aidan interjected, Kareena's begging quickly ended.

"Do not remind me," Nastasia muttered, her face twisting into one of disgust.

After teaching Kareena how to make the perfect-well as perfect as hers could be-cotton candy swirl, Nastasia and Aidan made their way back to their spot.

It was time for the Carnival to open.

Hours passed since opening, and Kareena smiled every time a child smiled at her for giving them cotton candy. Her shapes were getting better with every try. With a smile and personality as gorgeous as hers, the line in front of her booth was getting longer by the second, although, not everyone was there for the fluffy and delicious snack.

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