Chapter Thirteen~ Family Fight

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 💎 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

When Kareena arrived home, she spent the majority of her day catching up on her school work and looking over the guide for her midterms that were coming in two weeks.

When she finished or rather got bored of staring at the pages, she waltzed into the kitchen to make dinner before Samara got home.

Leaving her third attempt at chicken and sweet corn soup on the burner, to keep warm, she decided to clean the apartment.

Samara already does so much cleaning, the last thing she should come home to is a messy place like this one.

Finally hearing the door unlock, she beamed as she grabbed the bowls and set them on the small, circular, wooden table before rushing to the door to help her sister.

"Samara, you're finally home! How was work? Were they treating you okay?" She asked, concerned but at the same time joyful for her sister's return.

Without a chance to answer, Kareena linked arms with her sister, dragging her towards the table and sitting her down.

"Kari, I have something to tell you." She signed. Kareena caught her movements but turned around in a hurry, not paying attention to anything else but the soup she was pouring.

"Tell me later. I think I've finally got the recipe down. Try it, and please tell me you like it!" Her mouth began to hurt from the pain of smiling, she was too excited for her sister's opinion.

Trying her best to ignore the small, white, soup-filled bowl that was held in front of her face with a huge smile, she signed more sternly. "No, Kari. I have to talk to you right now."

Dropping her hands down from her sister's face, she held the bowl in front of her where her arm length ended. "Okay. No biggie."

"Do you want to sit down first?"

"No I'm okay, you sit, I've been sitting all day." She answered, Samara knew that wasn't true, but now was not the time she wanted to argue with her sister. "Anyway, what's so important that you want to put off eating? It must be something big since you're always hungry, not to mention exhausted, after work." She looked at her sister with slight concern.

"The Parks are throwing a staff appreciation party and...that includes us." While Kareena kept up with the signs, it took her a minute before she dropped the bowl in shock. Not bothering to see it shatter against the tiled floor, spilling all her soup.

"Do we have to go? I mean, why would you even want to. They don't appreciate you. They throw this party once a year to convince you they appreciate you. Not to mention, they have to convince investors, journalists, and fellow businesses that they are good, respectful, people. Instead of the shallow. Soulless. Selfish. Shells of men they really are."

"Kari, you understand those people are the ones who pay our bills? And yes, they are what you say they are. So? So, what? That doesn't disregard the fact that we are still drowning in rent, hospital, and funeral bills, and not to mention, life in general"

Feeling her emotions make their way up her throat, Kareena couldn't help the yell that escaped her. "It's not like I don't help! I am willing to sacrifice everything if it means you can have a job where people actually treat you properly!" Though her tone showed the amount of sadness she felt, the tears that welled in her eyes refused to fall.

"But I'm not willing to let you sacrifice everything!" Her hands slapped together loudly as she signed. Calming herself down, Samara slowed her hands down, knowing Kareena wasn't great at reading signs. "My job pays me really well."

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