Chapter Forty-One~ In Your Arms

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Kareena's body felt like it was covered in a sheet of ice, any sudden movement and she would shatter into a million pieces. Laboured breaths left her mouth as she fiddled with her pocket to pull out her phone.

Clicking the phone to turn it on and use the flashlight, she was defeated when she realized it was out of charge. As of right now, she was carrying a worthless brick of wires and batteries.

Panic filled her body like blood, the world around her was absolutely silent- that's what made it worse, at moments like this, you can hear everything.

Up a few steps up ahead-where the turn towards the subway station located-was a white light from a working street lamp. About to make a run for it, she stopped herself when she heard a shuffling sound come from that way. Her eyes drifted down to the street, it was there she could see a shadow of feet. This was no coincidence, someone was waiting for her to turn the corner, why else would someone be lurking in the shadows at the same time she leaves work.

Slowly, she took steps back, still facing forward. The clacking of her shoes on an empty path told the shadow that she saw them and was now heading back towards the company. Kareena watched as the shadow came closer to her, with another step she noticed the tip of white sneakers.

Her steps became faster. In a heartbeat, she spun around and began running back towards the company. The sound of footsteps running behind her-catching up to her-flooded her ears.

Everything stopped when her body was captured by another and Kareena let out a blood-curdling scream.

"Kari, it's me. It's just me, I swear." The body that was wrapped around hers exclaimed.

"Oh my gods, Oliver." She breathed out, her heart still beating as if it was a bomb about to explode. "Oliver..." She nuzzled her face into his warm chest, tears streaming down her face. "I'm so glad to see you..." she mumbled into his clothed chest.

Oliver wrapped his arms around her, comforting her and promoting safety in her fragile state. "It's okay, I've got you." He whispered, resting his chin on top of her head. Oliver's eyes gazed around the street, Kareena wasn't scared for no reason, he too saw somebody following her from around the corner- the man left before his face could be seen.

"Here you go, darling." A cup of steaming orange pekoe tea was placed in front of the girl, who was sitting at the small circular kitchen table wrapped in a throw blanket.

Looking down at the cute white and pink cup, Kareena sniffled. "Thank you. I hope I'm not causing you too much trouble this late in the night." She dropped her head in shame.

"Of course you aren't, now drink your tea."

After finding her in the dark on the street, Oliver had taken her to his house instead of her own. Kareena was reluctant but agreed when Oliver assured her it was no trouble- he made the excuse of wanting to thank her for the good grades he got on the midterms with dinner.

They finished the pizza Henry, one of Oliver's fathers, was overjoyed to make, and now she was sitting with his other, Klaus McTavern.

Noticing her shake during dinner, Klaus had told her to wait while he brewed her some tea, he figured she was still in shock or cold, so he got her the throw blanket from the couch as well.

Kareena's hands shook as she reached for the cup in front of her. This was something Klaus took note of, "Are you sure you're all right?" He asked her once more, hoping for a different answer than a nod.

Sadly, it was the same gesture, but after a minute of silence, she spoke. "Besides, maybe I'm just overthinking it. It was dark, I'm sure I just imagined it." She brushed herself off, but Klaus didn't believe her. Deep in her eyes, he knew, even she didn't believe the reality she was trying to convince herself of.

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