Chapter Seventeen~ Dinners, Winners, & Disasters

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The dinner was beginning to reach its peak, but the hosts were locked in one of the offices in their mansion.

Minho and Jin sat next to each other while their father sat behind the desk and Mai stood by the doorway.

The room was covered by a blanket of tension, it was only Mai who seemed like she was having fun, watching the boys squirm uncomfortably.

Out of nowhere, Mai announced, "In all our conversations, you had never mentioned how adorable Miss Acharya is."

"What?" Both brothers asked as they turned to her, one more confused than the other.

"The maid's sister." Mai clarified, enjoying the nervous sweat that ran down Jin's neck. "She is very intriguing."

Miss Acharya? The maid's sister? No matter how hard he tried, Minho couldn't put the pieces together.

"I believe you mean imbecilic." Jin answered back, shaking off the nerves he still felt.

"I've only ever heard you speak of two women- Faith whom you speak of with a sour taste and Miss Acharya, who you speak of with a hint of sweetness."

Minho turned to his brother curiously before it morphed into a glare. What? Who does he think he is? And what is he up to?

"I speak of no one with an air of sweetness, mother." He spoke in his monotone voice.

"That's where you're mistaken, son." She retorted before smirking. "I can arrange for the two of you to be married, is she of any use to us?"

Minho choked on his saliva as Jin, visibly, remained unfazed. "Mother, please, keep your imagination to a minimum. Regardless, you've seen her family, does she seem of any use to us?"

"I tease, son, well partly. I want grandchildren, so try not to avoid all women." She answered.

Seo shifted in his seat, leaning his arms forward on the table. "On that note, the Van Huesen's are throwing a party after I return from Russia, it's to celebrate the closing of the deal. I expect both of you to attend, is that clear?"

"Yes, father." The two boys answered in unison.

Seo turned his attention to his youngest, watching as he faded in and out of thought. "Minho, you've been very quiet, anything you would like to let us in on?"

Still thinking about the conversation between Jin and Mai, Minho was confused. "Sorry, father, just lost in thought."

Brushing him off he changed the subject, "will you be bringing Miss Warner?" He asked, referencing Minho's fiancé.

Feeling a weight put on his shoulders, he squirmed in his seat. "I'm... I'm not sure... Do I have to?"

Slamming his fists on the table, Seo yelled, "of course, you have to bring her, she is a great asset to this company. With all the fame she's receiving, you would be an idiot to let her go."

Maybe that's what I am, or what I want to be. Minho's thoughts were interrupted by Mai answering for him.

"He will, honey."

Minho's head shot up at the sound of her voice, he turned and glared at her only to be graced with a smirk.

"How are your classes going, are you doing as well as your brother was when he was your age? Top of his class and valedictorian." Seo asked, all the while promoting his eldest son.

Minho hung his head and muttered the words "No." Upsetting his father even further.

"University is only a few months away, try not slacking off for a change. The only thing you've ever seemed to get right is the model girlfriend you have, and you don't even want her!" He exclaimed angrily.

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