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-) Naruto's not mine, it's Kishimoto's.

-) English is not my first language so please dont mind my grammar mistakes.

-) I don't own the arts/videos so credit to the rightful owner. (I'll mention if the arts/pictures are mine.)

-) I might change or forgot some important plot so uh.. bear with it?..


Third P.O.V:

It was cloudy outside the hospital as heavy footsteps full of emotions ran inside.

The girl, who seemed to noticed that she wasn't really in control of her body, could only heard someone.. someone familiar saying her nickname- at least that's what she could process.

"...i-chan!.. ell.. m... wher.... Ah, Sa...ke? ...Oh..! Uke... the..py.....! Tha... ou..."

The voice was quite muffled, as you readers could see. Author won't write dialogues like that if people in his fanfictions have a good sense of hearing.

The black-haired girl could not move. Her vision was shifted from an all-white hospital room to a slightly busy corridor. There were nurses around, patients and ninjas...


She opened her eyes, not caring the tiny sweat running down from her forehead.

Just what was that?

Suddenly, her brain started to work as if it was out of reflex whenever she was confused. Well, it was really nothing new but she made a mindset to train and gain control of her head sometimes.

I mean, who wants to work their brain right after they woke up? It gives off a massive headache for those who are not used to it, you know?

Firstly, who was calling her? There were two people who used that nickname on her so far.

It might be Kazuha.

But those footsteps.. Kazuha would never rush in any situations in that kind of state. He would always try to be calm, even if he was nervous, even if he was afraid, even if he was about to burst into tears. That was just how Kazuha is.

So that only leaves one more person-


She faintly flinched from the sudden loud noise from the sliding door. She looked at the culprit who disturbed her precious mind processing time.

Oh, it looked like the person was Shisui, the other one who used that nickname on her.

His relationship with Kazuha is a..."so-so", I guess. They would fight for the little girl's attention just to see who's the "coolest big-bro", as that was how the way they put it.

They would sometimes fight for foods and stuffs, especially dangos. They would fight for training spots. They would fight for the little girl's attention. What are they exactly? Animals? Cause animals do fight a lot when it comes to foods and lands.

That's why Aishi chose to avoid them from bumping into each other. Call it as a hunch, but whenever they did almost crossed paths, Aishi would silently take the (whoever was the one she was with's) hand and started to gently pull them to a random shop. Yes, even if she did not notice it herself.

Now, it's not like he would admit it loudly in real life, but author is very jealous that someone at least fight for his oc's attention. Yeah, he would also not admit out loud that he was very jealous of his oc's life- death?.

I mean, the main character for this fanfic literally died! She successfully died, and that was the opportunity the author could've begged for! Yes, you heard me right. Author is basically one of those teenagers who wanted to die but couldn't because he had limited sources and had to deal with some obstacles.

Author might one day just discontinued this fanfic if he really let his emotions gain control over his brain...-

Okay I'm off track now- *cough* - Back to the story,

Shisui was trying to catch his breath from the running he made earlier. He was back from his long-term mission but immediately rush to the hospital after he heard the news. He was tired and haven't gotten any minute of rest.

He looked at the little girl infront of him.

"Shi-chan.. was it true?.. about the clan and Itachi??.."

Aishi could only stared at Shisui. Not that she doesn't know what to tell him, but she was debating on telling him a lie, or the truth.

I mean, it was cruel for her to say that Itachi was the culprit of the Uchiha Massacre. They were like siblings, and she did not want Shisui to become like canon Sasuke.

'It just doesn't suit his character.. Shisui but blinded by hatred...' she shuddered at the thought.

"Shi-chan, please answer me.." Shisui desperately said.

He just wanted an answer. She could see that he was very desperate.

Aishi... started to feel... sad?

She looked down at her lap. Her bangs covered her eyes from view, her hands began to faintly shake.

"The corpses..... those bodies... those.. metallic smell.... I couldn't forget it..." she started with a low yet petite voice.

Her grip on her blanket tightened.

"It was.. gruesome..." she continued as her voice began to shake.

Shisui could only stared at her in disbelief.

'So it was true..' he thought 'the clan.. nobody survived other than Sasuke, huh?..'

"I don't... I don't want to remember anymore.. It's- it's coming in my nightmare! It haunts me Shisui-san! I can't-" she broke into sobs right after Shisui hugged her.

"I always thought that I'd be alright.. I don't want to.. I don't want to remember anything..."

"Shh.. I'm sorry for pushing you.. It's alright, it's alright, I'm here.. "

Shisui's shirt had began to get wet from the little girl's tears. He had started to feel guilty. He should've just asked somebody else about the massacre and not to this little girl who was in recovery.

"I don't know what to do... I told Sasuke that it'll be fine but even I know that it won't.. what should I do?.."

Shisui began to pat her head in a comforting manner.


Slowly, Aishi felt her eyes started to get heavy. She was tired, very tired from acting like a traumatized child. It was a good thing that she has the ability to shift her emotions 180°, or else she wouldn't have been able to pull this kind of act.

"Rest well, Shi-chan.."

'Don't worry, Shisui-san. I'll tell you the truth once we're completely alone.' The girl thought as she felt herself enter the land of the dreams.

Yes, that's why Aishi did not tell Shisui the truth yet. She knew that Kazuha was standing outside the room, eavesdropping on their conversation.

Speaking of Kazuha, he was stunned. He never knew.. he never knew that his sister felt that way. Her voice.. it felt like she was completely lost.

'How much do you keep to yourself, Aishi? Why did you never open up to me like that? Why did you not tell me that you were suffering?' He thought bitterly to himself as he clenched his fist tightly.

Well, what Kazuha did not know is that she never really felt anything about the massacre. She had seen worse, but it's not like people would know anyway.

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