Brother Fucker(It's not what it sounds like, I swear)

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Waking up this morning, I could already tell today was going to be an off day. Father had given us little to no paperwork, which is strange all by itself because it was almost always followed by a lesson on responsibility that we're supposed to keep in mind when we're in charge one day (we being my twin brother, Ace, and I). Thinking nothing of it at first, I got ready for the day and slid into the drivers seat of my car, with Ace already sitting next to me. On the way, I couldn't shake the off feeling that just wouldn't go away as the day wore on.

"You feel it too, then?" Ace asked through the mental link we shared as he pulled into the school parking lot.

"'s gonna be a long day." I admitted as I exited the car.

We only had enough time to stop at our lockers and grab what we needed for first period before heading to class. Ace and I sat together in the middle rows, three seats down from the front (we weren't prissy enough to sit in the front, but we weren't edgy enough to sit in the very back, either). While the last of the students filed into class, I took out what I'd need for the next hour. The bell rang and the teacher got straight into going over the homework she gave us to do over the weekend(fun- killing bitch).

Not even ten minutes into the class, there was a knock at the door and I caught an unfamiliar whiff of strong coffee and vanilla beans. I clenched my teeth as my wolf got excited, trying to surface.

MATE, he all but shouted in my head. I looked over to my brother and he had the same clenched jaw I was sporting, so it was a safe guess to assume his wolf was doing the same to him. That couldn't be good.

The door opened to reveal Nancy from the office and a boy I'd never seen before standing beside her, looking bored as hell. The whole class took him in while Nancy chatted with the teacher-5'6, slim build, short dirty-blonde hair, forest-green eyes, and pale skin. Piercings glinted in the light and I counted at least five-two in each ear and one in his nose.

I couldn't stop staring and I had the feeling my brother was in the same position. Fuck. Who is this green-eyed beauty and how did such perfection end up in Ashton of all places? There were plenty of people who'd held my attention before, but this was entirely different.

I snapped out of my daze in time to hear the adults' conversation.

"Hi Nancy! What can I help you with?"

"Good morning, Mrs.May! This is Evan Fischer, he's a new student and will be joining your class for his homeroom."

"Evan....mmh just rolls right off the tongue doesn't it brother?" I purred through the link, a smirk curling on my lips.

"That it does. Don't you just want to eat him~?" Ace agreed, the same smirk making an appearance on his face. God, we probably looked like predators, but we didn't care. There was a new hottie in school, different from all the himbos and ditzes we'd grown up around our whole lives.

"Hell yeah. But why eat him when he could eat me?" I did my best to keep the feral grin from showing outwardly.

I tuned back in to what was happening in the classroom. Our pretty mate was currently on the receiving end of our school's god-awful welcome speech(the fact that we never got new students was as much of a mercy as it was a curse).

Wow, he looks like he would rather be anywhere else but here-he already fits in with the rest of us. The teacher ended her pleasant conversation with Nancy Whatsherface from the office and directed Evan Fischer to the only open seat in the class-the seat on the other side of Ace(lucky bastard).

The blonde sat down and instead of pulling out a notebook, pulled out a sketchbook and a few pencils that all looked the same to me, but we're probably different if you were an artist and knew all that fancy drawing shit. The teacher began the lesson and Ace and I watched the new cutie sit there and draw in his book, only looking up from time to time.

Near the end of the class, Ace seemed to get bored with whatever we were supposed to be learning and became much more interested in the new boy, a smirk giving away exactly what he was planning.

Shit, that look is never good. my wolf said, agreeing with me. As if on cue, Ace tapped the new boy on the shoulder. Evan turned to look at him with the look of someone who'd been in this situation countless times before. No doubt he thought Ace was going to ask to see whatever he was drawing.

"Can I help you?" Evan asked, a look of annoyance on his face at being interrupted.

"Oh no, you don't talk to me that way." Ace says sternly. Evan rolled his eyes and plastered a sarcastic smile onto his face.

Oh, this is gonna be good.

"Two questions," He said. Ace raised an intrigued eyebrow. "One-Is this Russia, and Two-Are you Putin? If neither of those are answered with yes, then I can talk to you how I want." The smile faded into a look of disdain.

Ace's jaw dropped. I knew there was no recovery from that smooth shut-down, but I had to give my twin props for trying.

"Hm, shouldn't you be paying attention to the lesson, blondie?"

"You heard my name when I came in, use it. And I am paying attention." He stated bluntly.

"No, you're drawing. How is that paying attention?"

Evan huffed and sat up straight before leaning into Ace's space. Never have I been so glad to have advanced senses-I could hear every word.

"You wanna know my secret?" Evans whispered. Ace nodded eagerly.

"It's called Nunya." Ace's face screwed up in confusion. I got it a second before my twin did, which was a second too late to avoid the tragedy about to occur.

"Nunya Business. Now fuck off." The bell rang and Evan had his things put away in his bag in a flash, leaving the room quickly.

"Damn. He finessed you! I wish I had that on camera!" I laughed through the bond, feeling my twin's shock at the audacity Evan had displayed.

The green-eyed hottie had been gone less than a minute and I already wanted him to come back. "Guess we know why everything felt off today...."

Ace, in response, slammed his face into the surface of his desk, groaning.

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