Nuclear Conversation

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We all used the same bowling balls, except for Ace and Cole, who switched for whatever silly reason. 

I had to watch Mark devour the soggy nachos at the bottom of the dish they came in once everyone else at the ones off the top that were still crunchy and edible. Noah didn't even cringe, he just watched in amusement. I guess he likes hanging with Mark? I was glad that he didn't hate my friends, but I really hoped he was making some friends in his own grade. I didn't want to condemn Noah to a life of having my friends as his friends and not knowing anyone his own age. 

Apparently, Mark really liked the Nachos they had at this bowling alley, so he offered to pay for more if I would go get them for him. I shrugged and went to do so. Holly joined me to get refills on our drinks and maybe some candy. 

"So, you guys seem like a tight bunch," Holly commented while we waited for the nachos.

I shrugged. "I guess. We do spend a lot of our free time together." I admitted. "Funny thing is, I didn't even plan on making friends here. I just want my little brother to have what I didn't: a stable life during high school before he has to be an adult. I didn't think I could have both."

Holly stared at me. "That was deep, dude. You're very altruistic. No wonder the twins are so into you!"

I looked away, focusing on the slushy machine behind the counter. "I'm not gonna say I don't know what you're talking about, but I am going to ignore it." 

Holly sighed. "Evan, they look at you like you hung the moon and stars in the sky." She told him seriously. "Those boys would do anything for you if you asked, and that's dangerous for them. Though, going off what you just told me, it seems like you're not ready for that yet, huh? The boys seem to think I'm going to grill you for answers because I'm the town gossip, but I understand relationships well enough to know that you're not ready for a serious one. So, if you ever want to talk about it with someone who isn't your brother, I'm here." She gave me a piece of notebook paper–it had her number on it. Did she plan this?

I didn't expect that from her but was pleasantly surprised. She seemed like the intrusive type–someone who would demand details and go to ridiculous lengths to get them. But she seemed to care about the twins as good friends and I respected that. 

I smiled. "Thanks, Holly. That….means a lot to me."

We received our nachos, candy, and refills and returned to our group. 

The twins made it back to the table before us. When we got there, I could see the visible anxiety on Ace's face. He almost looked like he was about to puke, which would be a shame because we just bought more snacks. 

I sighed and sat down. "Honey, I don't tell anyone anything I don't want them to know, cool your shit." I grabbed a crunchy nacho off the top, careful not to drop the cheese everywhere. 

Holly rolled her eyes. "Guys, you should know Evan better than that. And me! I'm insulted you'd think I would grill him!" She smacked them both upside the heads. "Maybe I wanna be his friend too!" 

Mark picked through the nachos to get to the soggy ones and I made a face at him. "You're so gross." 

"Speak for yourself, soggy nachos are the way to go. All you taste is the cheese." Mark said as soon as he swallowed his mouthful of garbage. 

"If I wasn't a guy, I'd say ew men and be done with it," I told him, still wrinkling my nose. 

"Preach, queen," Holly said as she snapped a picture with her phone. I looked at her, eyes narrowed. 

"You delete that right now!" 

She giggled as she pressed her phone screen a few times and then grinned victoriously. "Aaaaand that's your contact photo in my phone now." 

I debated throwing myself across the way at her and wrestling her phone out of her grip to delete said contact picture, but Ace and Cole both leaned over to see Holly's phone screen and busted out laughing. 

"Aw, but Evan–!" Ace gasped as he laughed. 

"Y-You're so cute with that face!" Cole finished. 

"Like a Gremlin!" Ace agreed. 

I raised one of the plastic forks we'd given for the nachos threateningly at them. Noah pushed my hand back down, snickering. "Not in public."

I viciously stabbed goopy nachos and shoved some in both of the twins' mouths with no mercy. They made complaining noises, but their mouths were full of nasty fake cheese and soggy chips. 

Mark made an offended noise. "Don't give them my chips!" He shoved more in his mouth and audibly moaned.

"You're a Menace to society." I shook my head. 

"If anything is a menace to society, it's the cheese." Holly butted in. "That shit could withstand a nuclear apocalypse, along with Twinkies and roaches." 

Mark shrugged and kept eating his thick mushy slop. 

Holly, glad that she'd successfully caused chaos during our first group outing with her and also unable to withstand watching Mark eat his goopy poison any longer, popped up to take her next turn at bowling.

The second game didn't end much differently than the first. Holly whipped all of our butts and win the whole game, Ace and Cole actually tied this time, Mark had two more points than Noah, and I lost totally. 

I delivered a line about a bitter defeat and the twins bought me ice cream immediately after(they also bought Noah some, so I guess they know me well enough now to do that)with a comment from Ace about something sweet making it better. Damn it, he was beginning to learn his brother's techniques of smooth-talking.  

Although, the ice cream did help since I lost by almost twenty-five points below Noah.

Mark went home by himself and the twins drove me, Noah, and Holly home.

Noah and I walked up the stairs to our apartment smiling, closing the door to Holly's complaints of wanting ice cream too. 

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