Relations of Love and Hate

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I was planning on the day being uneventful like it has been lately, then Evan made that cherry stem knot at lunch, and Cole, me, and even Mark kinda lost our minds internally for a moment. 

And then Cole sprouted some smooth shit that would usually come from me and got Evan to blush like that. God damnit, Cole did say he was better at wooing, but I didn't expect him to make more progress with Evan in a day than I have in an entire week!

After school, Cole and I's schedules consisted of training, paperwork, homework, and as my weird-ass brother put it, "Woo Planning." Who the fuck says that??

Anyway, Cole seems to believe that our mate is starting to open himself to our advances(and also that I need to tone it down or Evan's gonna choose Cole over me instead of deciding on both of us).

"So we can kick it up a notch with my kind of flirting," Cole said. "Not yours, Ace. You're too pushy." 

I nodded in acceptance. Perhaps I was coming on too strong if Evan was only just now opening up emotionally. 

"And my wolf says that even if he runs away at some point, Evan will always come back. Because the mate bond thing works with humans, just on a deeper, more instinctual level that humans have learned to ignore in favor of using their brains to make choices. 

I snorted. "A horrible decision." 

"But just because he'll always come back doesn't mean we should be fine with chasing him away. We want him to want us, not fight the instinct and keep running off to get away from us even when he keeps coming back to us in the end. We're going for romancing him, not owning him." Cole explained. I nodded along. 

Our father never figured out how to romance our mother. They were never the PDA type. Don't get me wrong, he loved her, but he was never good with relationship stuff. They were always on the verge of going in separate directions. Then the attack happened and she died a month before we started freshman year of high school.

Mates are bonded by their souls. Losing that bond took its toll, and it was then that Dad got harsh and started expecting more from us. Back then, we could make mistakes and both our parents loved us just the same, as long as we learned from said mistakes. After Mom died, Dad didn't allow mistakes, no matter how small they were. He was convinced that if he let us be children and do childish things that resulted in those mistakes, we were bound to be the cause of a tragedy.

Because of the disaster that was our parents' relationship, we decided to wait to tell our father that we found our mate. We weren't sure how our father would take learning that his twin sons shared a mate, let alone one of the same sex. We had no idea where he stood on the subject of the LGBTQ+ community. It's never come up in any of our conversations, so we thought it best to keep our bisexuality to ourselves. 

We'll tell the bastard when it's relevant, or when we feel like it's the right time. So when dinner came around and we were all seated at that obnoxiously long table(that can seat a decent number of our pack members), and Antonio had asked us if anything new happened at school, we simply replied with a no, and talked about our class curriculums. 

Then, of course, we changed the topic quickly and started a conversation about pack business with his beta, Phil, leaving us to our own devices. 

Phil was as gay as it got, though I wasn't sure if he'd told Antonio, or if Antonio just didn't give a shit. Phil liked to keep his private life as private as he could even if he was the pack's beta. As far as I was aware, he had yet to meet his mate, which was tragic because he was super sweet and deserved the world. 


Tomorrow is Saturday and I've been invited to "hang out" at Evan's place. Though I don't condone my twin making plans that involve me without my knowledge, I don't mind going. 

Especially considering we get to see where our mate lives! 

Yeah, but Mark is going to be there. 

I still wasn't overly fond of that guy. The only reason I tolerated him was that he seemed to be the only friend Evan has made at school. Cole and I were technically his friends, but we bugged him till he caved into it, it wasn't the same. He actually liked Mark, and as much as I wanted to do to curb stomp Mark for looking at Evan the same way Cole and I did when he'd tied that cherry stem with his tongue….I wouldn't. Because I was glad Evan had someone in this little town other than his brother that he gave at least half a shit about. So if I had to put up with Mark tomorrow, then so be it. 

I'd do just about anything for that pretty little blonde menace….

No, we'd do everything for him.

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