Route Planning

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No, I wasn't ignoring them, I knew from experience that it didn't work. I simply avoided the topic of what I did over the weekend.

Which was texting back and forth with Holly and basically spilling my guts on exactly how attracted to the twins I was and how much I didn't know how to handle it. 

The twins were nosy and would ask questions if I avoided them, but I was not ready for them to know yet. So, I had to pretend to forget my sketchbooks and draw their attention away from the actual problem. It was annoying since I'm almost always perusing said sketchbooks in most classes, but it worked anyway. 

Holly was a good listener, and very easy to talk to, but my romantic attraction to the twins wasn't something that I was ready to admit to just yet. It was fine to gush about how hot they were, and the little mannerisms they had that drove me nuts(in a good way), and loving the pure jealousy on their faces whenever Mark and I were flirting. 

But this was not what I'd planned for this year. I'd only planned on making sure Noah's first year of highschool went well so he could integrate into it comfortably by the time I graduated. Nowhere in that plan involved hot boys bugging for my attention and affection!

Don't get me wrong, I was glad it happened, no matter how unexpected it was. It was nice to have someone other than Noah to hang out with, and making fun of Mark with Holly was an added bonus. I just wasn't a hundred percent sure I could handle an actual relationship yet, especially one with twins!

I'd never held onto friends very well because people found me too blunt and thought my tendency to literally punch or blackmail most of my problems away was too much trouble(even though both techniques worked). And I'd held onto romantic relationships even less! The closest I'd ever gotten to consistently dating someone had been in the beginning of my reign as the Beating High Terror/Cryptid back in Noah and I's old hometown. Chel had thought I was cool and fun, but they turned out to be mentally unstable and super selfish and controlling. The second they started trying to control what I wanted to wear or who I talked to, I cut them off. 

And by that, I mean I had to threaten them with a kitchen knife and a restraining order to get them to leave me alone. 

So yeah, trying to figure out what to do about the whole romance situation….

And then, of course, on my way out of the school to go home, I saw Ace on the field during football practice. He was in full football gear, but they seemed to be taking a break, so he wasn't occupied. Before he noticed me, he lifted the hem of his jersey to wipe the sweat off of his face, which was an unfair move because I could probably shred cheese on his abs!

Then he turned in my direction and we made eye contact. The physical reaction was faster than the emotional reaction–my face heated and my heart beat faster as soon as our eyes met. I turned away from the field and hastily walked down the street, off campus.

I didn't always take that route home(actually, Mark usually gave Noah and I a ride home when the twins had sports practice and couldn't), but we ran out of milk at the apartment and it was essential in our household because we're dairy feins and use it in almost everything. Thankfully, the store wasn't too busy and I was in and out in a matter of ten minutes. And yeah, I was only there for milk, but they also had the candy Noah was obsessed with, so I got some of that too. And then intrusive thoughts won and I ended up grabbing a tub of premade cookie dough that you just scoop out yourself and put in the oven–both Noah and I like to eat it raw instead of baking it.

The walk back was nice and peaceful, the only disturbance anywhere near me was a lady across the street watering her plants. Hopefully, it wouldn't take too long to get home–it was getting chilly outside now, and there was this one rude old man that liked to argue with me about whether my piercings were a good life choice. Last time we'd interacted, I told him I would get tattoos all over my body and he just about had a heart attack. That effectively shut him up.

Thankfully he wasn't outside today, so the rest of the walk home was enjoyable enough. 


I had to pull out my key because, for once, Noah actually locked the door when he got home. He tended to forget to do that whenever I wasn't home, which was a hugesafety hazard and also a hazard to my emotional health whenever I thought about someone breaking in and hurting my little brother, even abducting him. 

Speaking of Noah, I walked in and he was standing at the island in the kitchen with his textbook and a pile of papers. 

"Hey. Whatcha doing?" I asked, setting the grocery bag on the counter. 

"I have an English essay due in a few days, so I have to sit here and force myself to start it."

"I'd scold you if I didn't know you're good at doing essays hours before they're due. Good luck, if you need any help I'll be in my room." He nodded distractedly, still pondering how to start his third paragraph. 

I myself didn't have much to do, I finished all my homework assignments at school since I wasn't drawing the entire time. 

So, that meant I could rewatch something, reread something, or see if anyone in the group chat wanted to hang out(besides Noah). 

But, I didn't wanna risk more interaction with the twins until I could control my reactions to them better, so I settled for rewatching Teen Wolf from the beginning again. The werewolf forms themselves were ugly and the effects were mediocre at best, but Dylan O'Brien was still a hottie(though I preferred it when he grew out his hair instead of keeping it buzzed). Derek was still the hottest, and also mysterious and brooding and wearing all black(kind of like Batman, who was sexy in his own way). 

And then, that train of thought reminded me of the way Ace's voice rumbled when he was mad, like he was growling, and I had to find something else to do to avoid thinking about the twins, and also what I had planned with said twins….

I ended up just giving Noah pointers and judging his handwriting until I got a text from Holly. When she took that picture of me I made her name Holly Jolly in my phone just to spite her. 

🔔 Holly Jolly 🔔

Toxic Plant: 
Hey, wyd rn? 😏

 Nothing important. Why?

Toxic Plant: 
Well I know it's only Monday, 
but I was thinking of a study 
session and then i could
sleepover. I need some help 
with a couple of tests this week.

Sure. For the 
studying… Just you?


oxic Plant: 
Well, Mark mentioned needing 
help. I wasn't sure you'd be 
okay with me inviting the
twins. 😕


That's fine. It's not like 
I was ignoring them…🙂

Toxic Plant:
Alrighty, I'll let them know. 
It's like 3 ish, see you 
around 4:30?

Yeah. Or 420 🤣

Toxic Plant:
You must think you're hilarious. 😑


Yup! see you soon

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