The Twist That Makes The Knot

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It's been a little over a week since our mate's first day at our school. Ace is going nuts over Evan's repeated rejections of him and then his repeated acceptance of me.

I mean, being friends is not exactly what I want from Evan, but some people need to make friends before they're comfortable starting a romantic relationship. Despite talking a fair amount, we still barely know anything about Evan or his little brother.

Thankfully, I have both more self-control and more patience than my possessive alpha brother and I've been making steady progress in getting Evan to open up. I haven't been telling Ace anything I learn because I'm hoping he'll realize things on his own and stop acting like a horndog.

So far, I'd say I'm Evan's favorite out of the two of us, and that fact made me grin like an idiot every time I thought about it.

Now we just need to woo the shit out of him.

Yeah, but how do we do that without scaring him off? I mean, he called out Ace's behavior pretty easily last week with the whole werewolf teen tv drama shit. How do we know he'll accept us when he finds out?

As much as I hate to say it, all we can do is be patient. Plus, mates cannot simply run away from us. Even when they are human, that kind of bond is hard to resist. They'll come around sooner rather than later. So just give it time.


The lunch room is normally much less crowded on Friday, which is always nice. It's because most clubs decide to have their meetings on Fridays at lunch, probably because everyone is always in a good mood on Friday.

Upon entering the cafeteria, I saw my brother sitting at a table towards the back of the room with Evan and his friend, Mark. I took a seat next to my twin and listened to the ongoing conversation.

"There is no way you can pull that off. Especially with your tongue piercing in."

He has a fucking what?!

"It's called talent, genius. And it's not hard, plenty of people can tie cherry stems with their tongue."

Do you think he'd hit us if we asked for a demonstration?

Probably depends on how we ask.

So a mouth-to-mouth demonstration is out of the question?

We all watched as Evan took the cherry off the top of his piece of cake and ate the cherry before placing the stem in his mouth. Sure enough, a moment later, he stuck his tongue out to reveal the loose knot he'd made with the red stem. And sitting right above it was a candy cane striped stud. 

Imagine how awesome that's going to feel when we stick our tongue in his mouth. 

Can you not think about anything else? I'm trying to be better than Ace, not become him!

I could, but why would I want to when I can think about Evan naked underneath us and calling out our name?

"If you boys keep staring at me like that, I'm gonna start thinking you're in love with me or something." Evan grinned crookedly at me and his two other friends. Ace was practically drooling, my eyes were wide and I was blushing heavily, and Mark's jaw was dropped.

"Baby, I don't need you to tie cherry stems with your tongue for that to happen." I told him, winking.

It took a second for his brain to process what I just said, but when he did, he almost spit his chocolate milk. He slapped a hand over his mouth to prevent said disaster and then glared at me after he'd swallowed, a deep red blush coloring his cheeks.

Holy fuck, he's so pretty when he blushes like that! Say something else!!

No, because then he'll get mad at me and I'll lose any headway I have on Ace.

Isn't he both of your mates?

Yeah, but that doesn't mean it can't be a competition. We're twins, we have to share everything all the time. Competing for Evan's hand in marriage is the most interesting thing for us to fight over in a long time, even if we'll both end up with him.

After that, the rest of the lunch hour went by fast since none of us really had anything to do but chill out and talk the whole time (Mark did promise to bring a deck of cards next week for entertainment). Even though Ace and I mainly wanted Evan's attention, Mark was still pretty okay to be around. I kind of wondered why we hadn't hung out with him before.

Ah yes, our asshole dad told us we didn't need friends because they would hold us back. Asshole.

In English, Evan seemed a lot quieter than normal. It was like he was doing his best to avoid having any kind of conversation with me, but then again, he was also avoiding talking to Mark too, so maybe it wasn't totally my fault.

I think he's just emotionally stunted.

And what makes you say that?

Because no one just jumps into a fight, beats a guy's ass, and then nonchalantly guides his brother to the nurse without some serious emotional damage.

You've got a point there. We should probably just let him think over whatever he's thinking about right now, huh?

I don't know, getting punched in the nose would give us an excuse to leave this boring ass class.

No thanks, I'd rather not risk dad's wrath for getting decked and not beating whoever did it in a fight after.

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