The Newly Acquainted

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Brother Bear

Code Christmas Psycho, 
we got a situation here.

I stared down at the text with a feeling of foreboding.  

Shit, Holly totally knew….poor Evan was going to get bombarded with questions, or possibly abducted and kept in a basement. Holly was the biggest gossip we knew–basically the Pack Gossip(we may be werewolves, but we still have normal family cliches–if anything, we have all of the cliches because our family is so big). It was Friday now, there was no way she could stay away from Evan for much longer!

But, I knew Evan wanted his space and time to think, so Cole and I might have to run interference before she pushed him too much and he got mad at us for it because we'd be the subject of said questions. And that would mean all our progress with the blonde beauty was out the window. 

Holy Moon Goddess, relationships were hard….

We still wanted to sit with Evan at lunch, though, so we'd have to control the conversation and keep Holly's questions to a minimum or change subjects. Worst case scenario, Cole and I would have to manhandle her away from our mate and use our rank in the pack over her to get her to leave the subject alone.  

When lunch came around, I entered the cafeteria alone. I'd lost Evan and Holly in the crowd of people, so I opted to find Cole and we'd locate our mate together, hopefully before Holly got too overbearing.  

At the center of the room, I could see Evan and Holly laughing together, with Mark next to Evan and sporting a pretty nasty glare directed at the girl sitting with them and keeping his friend's attention. 

Well by the looks of it, they're busy making fun of Mark, so she probably hasn't had the chance to grill him for info yet.

True, but that doesn't mean it's safe to leave her with him with no supervision. And that also means that she might still ask him now, so let's get over there. 

Reaching their table, I sat across from Evan and Cole did the same, Noah sliding over with a roll of his eyes so we could both sit across from his older brother. He always ended up sitting across from Mark, but he didn't seem to mind too much, so I didn't feel too bad. 

Honestly, I wanted to sit between Mark and Evan, but I also really wanted to be able to stare at Evan's gorgeous face, so I always ended up across from them both. I assumed Cole had the same reasoning. He was better at hiding it, but he was just as jealous as I was, maybe even more so. He'd held me back from beating the shit out of Mark when he'd been flirting hardcore with Evan the other day, but I could feel his own intense anger and jealousy through our bond. 

Noise filled the cafeteria as it filled to the brim with students–it was getting colder outside now that Summer was almost over. This was that short period of time where no one wanted to give up wearing their summer clothes just yet, so everyone would cram into the cafeteria at lunch until they finally got their cold-weather clothes out and went back to eating outside with their cozy clothes. 

It always got unbearably hot in the cafeteria whenever this happened, and the air conditioners just could not keep up with all the warm bodies in the confined space. 

I observed the conversation in progress while I ate my food. Holly and Evan took a couple more jabs at Mark and his love of Supernatural. Holly still hadn't grilled Evan yet. By the end of the lunch break, we'd all made plans to go bowling after school. It was a small town and there was sonky so much to do without engaging in typical teenaged shenanigans that would most definitely have Cole and I's father grilling us and keeping us from leaving the house, including missing pack runs and any other pack bonding activities. We'd only tried to sneak out once and it hasn't ended very well, so we'd never tried after that….

After lunch, everyone else headed to English while I made my way to French. I ended up spending the entirety of the lesson worrying about how our little bowling hang-out would go. I could only hope to be as smooth as my twin was with Evan. And Holly had invited herself along, so did she plan to start asking questions then?  Damn it, there were too many things not under my control in this equation!

By the end of Business class, Cole had convinced me to hope for a positive outcome,  which was easier said than done. Yet, as we walked out of class I couldn't tell if things would be great or terrible. 

I guess I'd find out after school….

A/n: Sorry it's a short chapter. Happy Reading!

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