Information Overload

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These boys are totally clueless.

I went to the twins after I finished texting Evan–and by that, I mean I walked into their house like it was mine and kicked Ace's door open once I heard them talking in the same room. I told them to pack up their homework and that I'd planned a trip for us. They were confused as hell and followed me like pups. It was adorable! How did Evan resist those cute puzzled expressions?! It made me wanna squeeze their cheeks like a granny did to young people.

They gathered their work, albeit in a confused and slightly fearful manner. 

I took my time as I explained what they just couldn't understand with their silly half-teenaged boy, half-wolf brains. 

"We are going to a study session and I swear to Diana herself if you try to say no, I will kick your asses. And you should be happy that I'm making you go to this! Now hurry, we don't want to be late, I told Evan we'd be there at 4:30 and it's already 4:18!" I went from forcefully pulling them behind me to almost face planting when they bolted past me to my car. 

All it took was me saying Evans's name and those two dummies were out the door faster than the goddamn Flash

We were out the door by 4:22. The drive was about five minutes, and I swore if Ace put his hand on that station dial again, I was going to smack the shit out of him, so help me Diana! 

Five fucking minutes! He changed it 9 fucking times, in five ridiculously long minutes!  He knew he would get commercials no matter which channel he picked! Holy fuck, how did Evan put up with this?!

(Ace doesn't annoy Evan like this, he only does it to me and Cole, that's how!)

He didn't stop until we got to Evan's place. Speaking of which, I'd never seen the place myself, but at first glance it seemed like a well-maintained apartment building, so that was reassuring. The minute Ace stepped out of the car I smacked him on the back of the head. 

"That was for the channel surfing, you demon!"

By the looks of the truck out front, Mark had made it there before us. I was really hoping I got there first–we had a running bet on who could arrive first without getting pulled over by the cops(because all of us speeded and none of us stopped at Stop signs). Damn it, I should have just texted the twins and let them drive themselves! Then I would've won and I wouldn't have had to deal with Ace's bullshit!

I walked to the porch with a manchild and his amicable twin in tow, knocking on the door in the same pattern as the younger sister in Frozen. As soon as I heard Evan's footsteps get close, I sang obnoxiously so he knew it was me. "Do you wanna build a snowmannnnn~!"

"Okay byyyyyye–" He deadpanned in a monotone voice as he opened the door and then pretended to close it on us.  

From inside, Noah laughed, crying, "PERFECT ENTRANCE!" to me. I nodded to him and walked in. The apartment had an open floor plan and it was pretty clean. 

Mark and Noah sat on the floor in front of the coffee table playing video games. I didn't know what game they were playing, other than it was something sci-fi. That and their console was an Xbox. There was also a girl sitting next to him that I didn't know. 

"This is Taylor, Noah's friend from the Gaming Club. Taylor, these are my pests–Ace, Cole, and, I saved the worst for last," He looked me directly in the eyes. "Holly."

I gaped at him. The audacity! The nerve! After I listened to him gush about the twins all weekend!

Even rolled his eyes. "Oh please, you'll live. I wouldn't let you guys into my house if I didn't like you. Sit." 

We sat on the floor next to the kids upon command. Wow, like actual dogs. That was embarrassing. It only took a short glance towards the other two to know the twins were both thinking the same thing I was. 

We tried to make small talk, but Noah threatened to start talking about his ongoing storyline in Sims–the one with vampires, witches, and aliens. Oh, and werewolves. Couldn't forget that part–from the beginning so Taylor was caught up. 

At least if he did that when we weren't around, he wouldn't be going on about it during lunch….Noah was a good kid, but by Diana, I couldn't give less of a shit about his Sims game. I'd rather create drama in real life, thank you very much!

While the kids played their game, Evan commenced our impromptu study session. 

It was an excuse to get him and the twins in the same room together, but Evan took his studying more seriously than I thought he would. Or he was trying to avoid interacting with the twins. 

But, if that was his plan, it totally failed. The twins both pleaded and pouted at him until he gave in and helped them in the subjects they struggled the most with. Pfft, sucker. 

Evan and Cole were the definition of nerds, though, so they really did help me and Ace with our work. 

Ace and I, on the other hand, were grease monkeys–anything that got our hands dirty caught our attention. I was never a book person and Ace was picky about what he did read. Meanwhile, Evan and Cole went through a book over the course of two days if they were invested enough. 

So, in essence, Evan was perfect for both twins in different ways. 

God, I can't wait until the twins tell him he's their fated mate….

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