Going with the Flow

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Never thought it would come to this, but somehow, Spanish was the best part of my day. It was just Evan and I talking trash about the teacher or drawing dicks on the desk to see who could make a more realistic one, then erasing them before the class ended. Evan was definitely more mature than most high school guys, but let it be known he was still prone to laughing at dick jokes. 

Evan just got me. We had a lot of things in common and his sarcasm never ceased to entertain me. He just had a way with words that way. 

English was okay too but Cole was there too, and I don't think the twins like me very much. Evan and I were just friends. Even if I wanted to be more, there was no way it was ever going to happen. Even I could tell that just based on the way the twins looked at him and the way he looked at them too(it was kinda weird that both twins wanted him and apparently planned to share him, but that wasn't my business). Evan didn't notice it himself, or maybe he did. 

I may have been a rich kid, but that didn't mean I was ignorant or oblivious to other people around me. I earned my grades and self-awareness. The twins and Evan were totally into each other, Evan just seemed unwilling to let it happen. Could that be a chance for me to slide in there and possibly steal his heart? Yes. But I'm not gonna, because I don't wanna get my shit rocked by the twins, nor do I want plastic surgery–I like my current face just fine, thank you. 

And, you know, Evan just seemed like he was out of my league. Honestly, he kinda seemed like he was out of everyone's league, but maybe that was just me. This beautiful, sarcastic, protective angel busted into my life hurling swear words and dick jokes and I hadn't seen things the same way since. I think Evan just had that effect on everyone, though. 

I would, however, flirt with Evan all I wanted, because I could already tell it would go nowhere. A shame, because he gave those cute little giggles whenever I quoted a particularly stupid pickup line. Or he'd smirk and fire something equally flirty back at me. And flirting with Evan always had the added bonus of messing with the twins and them being unable to get at me for it because then they'd expose themselves. 

Speaking of which, since Evan was finally back from his absence, I could blatantly flirt with him at lunch and watch the twins die inside. Today's entertainment would be stellar. 

Tuning back in, I made a face. Ah fuck, was the test on Monday? Already? Guess I'd lost track of the time we spent on the subject, I'd been focusing my attention on Evan lately. 

I did try to pay attention after that, but holy fuck, Señior Dickface was being as hell. I started doing math in my head to occupy myself, but eventually, my thoughts wandered again. I looked over to Evan, who was doodling a thick mustache wearing a sombrero. It was very detailed, which made it even funnier. That was a glossy mustache. 

Figures. He's not paying attention either.  How were we going to pass the test if neither of us had the notes? Ah well, Evan had a way of pulling good grades out of his ass since he spent a lot of his time studying with his little brother and helping with freshman homework rather than his own. He did his homework, but he never studied. Lucky. I sighed, going back to the mental math equation I'd stopped halfway through, restarting it. We went on like that until the class ended. We gathered our stuff and went our separate ways with a fist bump.

I spent the next hour in Advanced Woodshop, which was metalworking, which meant blowtorch! Finally! I wasn't a pyromaniac, but it was fun to burn things until they melted. 

A friend of my mother was expecting, so I decided to start on a baby crib today–I already finished my previous project, which was a model of a horse made from staples I melted together out of boredom. 

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