Foreign Soul

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I sat across from Mark in English, with Cole sitting in front of him. We listened to the teacher go over the assignments from this week's chapters of 1984. At some point, Mark and I both stopped listening and engaged in our own quiet conversation. 

"Mrs. Pepper, smash or pass?" I asked. 

"Hm, I think I'm gonna have to pass. She's not really my type." Cole decided to include himself in our conversation. 

"Oh yeah, you're gay, huh?" Mark asked. 

With a sigh, I replied,  "No, I'm pansexual–they're dissimilar. Gender isn't a factor for me, it's all about personality and looks." 

Cole nodded, taking in the information. He went back to his assignment.

"Isn't that a little…." Mark struggled. 

"No, it's not messed up, because there has to be something intriguing about a person for me to wanna date them. And I'm not a fake bitch." I told him. He put his hands up in surrender. 

"What about Mr. Vilaba?" I moved on. Mark's response was a look of aversion.

"Ew, pass. First of all, I'm not into guys. Second of all, even if I was, there's no chance I'd ever be interested in him." 

"Pfft!" Turning I saw Cole laughing as he was reading our assigned book.  

Then the door opened and he looked up. His smile dropped. Following his line of sight, I saw two girls walk in together. But the one he seemed put off by had fair skin, straight, shoulder-length caramel hair, and eyes the color of black coffee, though not nearly as bitter as said beverage. She seemed to be laughing at whatever her friend had just said, eyes full of mirth. Taking one more look, I nudged Mark. He gave me a questioning look. I nodded to the girls. 

"Do you know who that is? I've never seen her around and we're almost three weeks into the year."

Mark glanced over and smiled, "Oh, yeah. That's Holly Caddel, she's cool. I think she just got back from vacation. Pretty sure she's a TA for this class if all the student desks are already taken."

Nodding at his response, I glanced back at the two girls. Holly's friend went to sit at the small table by one of the football players in the front. Holly stood at the teacher's desk and started a quiet conversation–she was obviously familiar with the teacher and even friendly, so Mark's assumption about her being a TA was probably right. The conversation ended and she approached the seat adjacent to Cole. There was no other place for her to sit except for another spot next to her friend, but she didn't seem to want to sit there, so she had to sit by a student. Looking behind her, she smiled at me and greeted Mark. 

"How's my favorite asshole doing?" She grinned, punching him lightly on the shoulder. 

"Holly, you saw me this morning, you don't need to keep doing it whenever you see me."  Mark rolled his eyes fondly. 

"I know, but I was gone for almost three months! Also, you're one to talk, Mr. Oh My God If They Kill Off Brad I Might Die!"

Mark's cheeks burned and he mock-glared at her. I knew it was a part of their conversation that I just happened to be hearing, but I couldn't keep my laughter down. They even made Cole chuckle!

"Oh My God, you act like that watching all shows?! I thought it was just a reaction to watching Supernatural for the first time! Even Ace didn't act all dramatic when Dean slept with his old flame!" 

Holly looked at me with wonder.

"You know Ace?"

"Yeah? He was the first person to speak to me at the school–besides the secretary. Kind of hard to miss him ordering me around like the Alpha dog in a bad werewolf drama." I laughed, recalling the first time we'd met. It annoyed me back then, but it just made me laugh now. Maybe that was a good sign?

"Oh? He tried ordering you around huh? Yeah, that sounds like Ace." Holly agreed. "How did you respond?" 

I smirked. "I asked him two questions."  

"One–is this Russia. Two– Are you Putin?" Cole quoted. "If neither of those are answered with yes, go fuck yourself." 

I gasped and smacked him on the arm, laughing. "That is not what I said!" I denied. 

"No, he actually said, "If neither of those are answered with yes, then I can talk to you however I want. It was beautiful." Cole recalled gleefully. 

"Yeah, the most beautiful thing about it was Ace's face when I said it!" I agreed, cheeks tinting pink because I knew exactly what Cole meant, even if I didn't acknowledge it. "But yeah, from then on, even though we weren't actually friends for a while, we always ended up chilling together at lunch and between classes. Not too long ago, Mark and the twins came over to my place so we could introduce Mark to the wonder that is Supernatural. Actually, the whole hang-out was because he said he'd never seen it, and my brother and I knew we had to fix it ASAP."

Holly extended an arm and placed her hand firmly on my shoulder. "You are a godsend." She said seriously. "I've been trying to get him to watch that for forever! How the fuck did you get him to do it!?"

I gave a crooked grin. "I didn't tell him what we were going to watch until he was sitting in my living room. Then he got hooked and now he's on season four or five." 

"What?! I'm not hooked, Evan, I just have nothing better to watch!" Mark protested.

"It's okay, Mark, join the rest of us who have sold our souls to Sam and Dean," I said, trying to seem sincere. The grin on my face probably gave me away, though. 

I turned back to Holly, who suddenly had a very intense interest in my face. Cole, off to the side, had paled. Was he jealous? Usually, he didn't look like he was nervous when he was jealous, though….

Wow, the fact that I already know what expressions the twins make the most really says something, huh….

"Your name is Evan?" Holly asked carefully. I nodded. Cole's head fell to his desk.  Was he okay? 

Holly hummed. "Interesting." She turned her attention to the stack of papers she'd been given to grade. 

Conversation abruptly over, I tuned back into what the teacher was saying and took a few notes–but mainly I drew in my sketchbook. It was always crowded on my desk. Noah called it a talent that I still managed to take good notes in the classes that required it while also always drawing during those same classes. 

With the eventual conclusion of English, I separated from the group. Government was a blur and the day ended just as quickly. Today wasn't as bad as I expected it to be, but it was also hella boring. Geez, does anyone in this town get up to anything fun, or are we meant to sit at home, go to work, or go to school and that's it? I need to find something to do that's out of the house. I'm an introvert and even I'm feeling all cooped up in that apartment.

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