Task at Random

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Yesterday was the best day I'd had in a while, and I was sure it was the same for Ace. We all hung out with no drama or issues, no interruptions, and no actual drama, just group shenanigans. And Ace and I also learned new information about our mate.

Yeah, that poor boy could not bowl at all. Maybe we could teach him. I have the perfe-

We are not having sex with him in a bowling alley!

It would be legendary!

We're not fucking our mate in a bowling alley. I repeated.

It was Saturday, so typically that would mean we'd do a pack run in the morning because everyone normally had Saturdays off. But, dad canceled it for whatever reason, so we didn't start the day doing anything productive other than talking quietly through our bond about Evan, despite only being not even twenty feet away from each other.

Yeah, that morning was really odd, our father had never called off a weekly run before, at least not that Ace or I could remember. He considered the runs training and "pack bonding time," so they were mandatory. 

I went to check his office after lunch and he wasn't there. Strange. He practically lives in here…. should we be worried?

I went back down the hall to where my brother and I's rooms were. It was a Jack and Jill style layout, which meant our rooms were connected via a large bathroom. I opened the door to my brother's room and walked in. Ace was sitting at his desk with a textbook open in front of him. 

"Hey." I greeted. "Is that math?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm just finishing up. You need something?"

"Have you seen Antonio? He's not in his office and he's never canceled a pack run."

"Yeah, he came in a little while ago and said something about going out to do something. Didn't give any details, so that's automatically suspicious, but I'm sure as hell not asking for any."

"Hmm, okay. Need some help with the rest of your work?"

He nodded. It only took a few minutes to finish his math, but we spent a couple of hours finishing up the rest of our homework together. By two o'clock, we'd finished our schoolwork and pack work. We got dressed and left.

Holly came with us to the small lake on our father's property. We tried to get her to tell us about the conversation she'd had with Evan yesterday, but she wouldn't budge, saying it was stuff Evan had already told us anyway. We eventually dropped the subject. 

My brother got bored and thought it would be funny to take my phone and have me chase him to get it back.  Unfortunately, Ace was right at the edge of the lake when my phone slipped out of his hand and into the water, so now I have to go get it replaced, and I'm dragging him with me.

It was a quick errand since the store was thankfully mostly empty(there weren't any new phones out at the moment, but wait until vhrtimas and this place would be packed with the new iPhone 27, the Samsung Galaxy 800, and the Google Pixel 75). We were in and out in less than an hour. Of course, Ace was pouting because I made him come with me. Though he kept stopping to look at things he thought Evan would like. 

He couldn't help it, the urge to spoil the people he cared about was in his blood, mostly because of the role of Alpha he'd take when we took over the pack. He did it for me, Holly, used to do it.for.mom, and now he wanted to do it for Evan. And Evan's little brother, interestingly enough. Ace was smarter than everyone thought he'd be, so I wasn't too surprised that he'd already picked up on the fact that Evan prefers his brother receive either the same thing or more than what he got. 

The rest of the day went by fairly quickly–we stopped at Target to pick up a few things for the sleepover Holly would inevitably demand of us soon and also Starbucks to get Holly an over-expensive cake pop because she loved them and Ace had said before that Starbucks always reminded him of Holly, but in a good way. 

When we got back, our father was back in his office like he'd never been gone, going through paperwork with Phil. As much as I'd like to ask him where he went, I already knew he'd probably just say it was not my concern and dismiss me(which was his version of "it's none of your damn business and don't ask again). 

Today was an off day, and not in a good way like the day we met Evan…. Hopefully, next time it'll be less weird.

A/N: Short chapter; word count: 815

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