Wayward Love

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If I'd known that inviting Mark over would result in him asking the twins if they wanted to tag along, I wouldn't have done it. To make things worse, when my brother found out, he insisted on staying home to "take advantage of the free entertainment." A little shit after my own heart. 

"There is no entertainment! We're just gonna sit around and chill. Eat a fuckton of junk food and probably watch Supernatural to call out the mythological inaccuracies and because most of the cast is hot!" I protested. "And Mark has also never seen it and that's a tragedy in itself, so." 

"Well if that's the case, then there should be no problem with me staying. And that shit's everywhere you go, how the hell has he not seen it?"

"Fuck if I know. But if you're staying, you're taking all your shit back to your room." I told him, gesturing to the piles of clutter he'd slowly been building on the dining room table and the coffee table in the living room since we'd moved into this place.

With that, I watched as my brother did laps up and down the stairs in an attempt to get all of his things in his room before any of our guests got there. 

Just as he carried the last armful of clutter up the stairs, groaning about his legs and ass hurting from sprinting up the stairs so many times(and tripping a few times), a knock sounded at the door. 

I decided to have mercy on my wheezing little brother and went to answer the door. 

I was greeted by Mark, thank God. "Hey man. The twins are right behind me, I saw them pull up." 

"Hm. Come in." I offered, moving to the side. I decided to wait for the twins to get to the door, just in case either of them did or said something that made me want to slap them and I needed to slam the door in their faces.  

Cole was the first of the pair to greet me, "Good afternoon, Evan. Thanks for inviting us!"

"Yeah, sure. You can have a seat over there in the living room." I turned to my brother. "Hey Noah, do we have any candy left from our trip to the store last week?"

"Uh, I think there might be some Skittles and a bag of Reese's in the cabinet above the fridge?"

"Good, put on the show, I'll be there in a sec." I grabbed the candy and headed into the living room. I sat it down with the rest of the food on the now-clean coffee table and took a seat in-between my brother and Cole. 

Oh boy. Why do I feel like Cole knew exactly where to sit so he'd be next to me? Ah well, at least it's not the insufferable twin…..still, not over that stupid little comment Cole made about the cherry stem though.

I grabbed the remote from Noah and clicked play, settling back with a knowing smile at Mark's groan. 

"Seriously dude? Supernatural?" Mark glared at me and I snickered.

"It's not my fault you've never seen it! I feel the need to educate you in the art of mocking hot people on TV and calling out factual inaccuracies."

"Dude, I'm not a nerd like you are! I have no idea what's accurate and what's not!" Mark told me. I shrugged. 

"Cool, then I'll just call them out myself. I don't mind." 

Noah dropped his head to the back of the couch, rolling his head to the side to glare at me. Drama queen. 

"You are not talking through every episode! Shows are for watching!" Noah complained. 

"You've dealt with me for fourteen years, kid, you should be used to it!" I said. 

"Doesn't mean I like it!" 

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