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"Hallway. Now." the teacher almost growled

The entire class 'ooo'ed as Harry and Louis stood angrily from their chairs, each grumpy and red in the face... both somehow mirroring each other as they went.

Harry pushed his curls off his forehead.
Louis pushed his fringe over.

Louis walked with wide steps.
Harry walked with wide steps.

Harry sighed as he exited the door.
Louis sighed as he exited the door.

"I'm tired of this, you two. Every day, every class since 9th grade, you two have never gotten along. And it causes distractions, not only to yourself, but for the other kids." she rants

"I'm tired of this too! Mabe, if he wasn't always trying to compete-" Hary gets cut off by Louis' angry gasp.

"I'M the one competing?! Where's the competition? huh? it sure as freak isn't you" Louis angrily insults the curly boy

"Oh, sure. Says the one who lost the spelling quiz to me" Harry laughed back

"And you lost the Romeo and Juliet paper to me!" 

"Well you-" Harry's voice was once again cut off, this time by the teacher, not the blue eyed boy

"You're partners on the next assignment. Get over yourselves or you both get an F on it. and it will be both of your faults." she strictly speaks and both boys' jaws drop, as well as their eyes widening, and their cheeks reddening. With anger? maybe

"You're kidding-" they both said at the same exact time

"Hey!" they both said again, this time to each other. 

The teacher rolled her eyes and opened the classroom door.

"Harry, move seats to the desk next to Louis'." she instructed

"Why can't he move his seat?" Harry complained immediately

"Because I told you to move, Styles. Now, go!" she groaned, so overly annoyed with these two enemies

"can't fucking believe this" Louis muttered as he strided back to his desk

"Can't either" Harry sighed as he slumped in the seat next to the other boy

High School Lovers ~L.S.Where stories live. Discover now