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Louis and Harry went to Harry's house. As soon as they entered, Harry's mom was quite worried. She questioned Harry and hugged him tight, claiming she was worried he had gotten hurt. 

Harry felt bed. He hugged her back and apologized, saying he and Louis were just hanging out at Niall's house and accidentally fell asleep there. She believed his lie and let the two boy go up to Harry's room. When they were halfway up the stairs, Harry had run back down and asked her to make them lunch. Anne was more than happy to do so and started making triangle-cut sandwiches and fruit bowls. -AKA Harry's favorite things to eat. Also, strawberry milk. 

Harry and Louis stayed in the kitchen while Anne fixed lunch. 

When it was all done, they took their plates up to Harry's room so they could talk freely.

Harry sat on his bed, legs folded under him with his plate in his lap. Louis plopped into the comfy desk chair and set his plate on the table.

"Can you hand me that head scarf?" Harry asked while pointing to a piece of fabric on the desk by Louis. 

Louis complied and tossed the scarf to the green eyed boy, then he watched intently as Harry fixed it around his head, keeping his hair out of his face.

In Louis opinion, the boy looked as sweet as candy- and he wanted to taste his sugary lips again.

* * *

"So," Harry started while chewing a soft piece of pineapple from his fruit bowl, "We're kinda weird, right? I mean, hating each other then.. this?" he motions his arms out, meaning everything that has changed

"Yeah, it's kinda weird" Louis nodded,a  smile ghosting at his lips, "But, I mean, I get it"

Harry tilted his head to the side.

"I mean, I had no good reason to dislike you. I was... jealous. You were smart and cute and I wouldn't admit the cute part.. but yeah. You're adorable. Even the 'tough act' at school was a bit attractive." Louis took a breath and looked around Harry's room "This is also... wow. I love this, really. The soft colors, head scarf, your smile. It's amazing seeing your true self, Haz"

"I like you" Harry mumbled then popped a strawberry slice onto his tongue.

"I like your laugh and how care free you are. I wish I was like that"

"You can be like that, Haz. Just gotta get comfortable." Louis said as he munched on his sandwich

Harry nodded. He understood that. He's always wanted to be more comfortable with himself- and he's always wanted to be one of those people that don't care what others thing, but that just isn't who he is at the moment. He wants people to like him. He just needs to be more him.

"I need to know more about you" Louis blurted out after a few minutes of comfortable silence

"Like what?"

"Like.. your dad?" Louis asked softly

"Him and my mom got divorced when I was little. Now she's with this really great guy, Desmond. I've got his last name, Styles. But right now, he's on a business trip. He'll be back next week."

"And.. you've got a sister, right?"

"Gemma. Yeah, she was quite popular at our school.. She's in college now, to be a teacher."

"Any other family?" 

"None that I'm close with, no.. and you?" Harry asked

"I'm a momma's boy. My mother is my best friend. She's... god, She's always there for me. She's busy, sure, but we always end up talking late at night at the kitchen table. Sometimes we cry together and just vent. We're very close and I love her very much." Louis smiles softly

"You've got a big family, right?" Harry asks. He smiles because Louis is smiling a very genuine smile.

"Sisters- Fizzy, Lottie, Pheobe, Daisy, Georgia, Doris. Brother- Ernest. We're a big mess of half siblings, some twins, and step family"

Harry grins. "Sounds like a lot" 

"It is.. but it's family, ya know? It's all I had for a long time"

"Besides Niall, family has been everything I've had. Just my mom and sister."

Louis stands slowly. He gently takes Harry's plate of his lap and sets it on the bedside table. 

With slow and gentle movements and never breaking eye contact, Louis set himself on the bed, right in front of Harry, gently cupped his face in his small hands, and whispered "And now you've got me too"

 Harry could only nod. He didn't know what to say. He felt like he wanted Louis too- but deep down, he knew that he needed him at this point.

So, Harry reached out, grabbed Louis' sides, and they moved forwards. Slowly, almost too slowly, their eyes closed- then their lips met for the second time ever.

High School Lovers ~L.S.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora