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*This one is written in Harry's point of view

Niall came into the bathroom and I pushed open the stall door. He immediately walked over and threw his arms around me. I smiled and hugged him back.

"I'm okay, Niall. Just.. needed a second" I explain

He pulls away and looks me in the eyes

"I know that's bullshit. Drop the tough act around me."

I sigh and give in.. and I tell him what's bothering me

"Was arguing with Louis and got stuck with him as a partner..."

"I know you two are like enemies or whatever, but you're a lot alike" Niall sighs

"We're not alike at all" I argue

"You're both top graders in like every class! You only fight  to be better than each other" 

"So? He's all punk-skateboard-artsy-smart and I'm like nerdy-pastel-curly hair" 

"Wait... curly hair? What's that got to do with..... Harry, did he say something about your curls?" 

I just slump my shoulders. I can't say no because I suck at lying and Niall can read me like a book.

Damn, I just can't keep up anything 'tough' around him. It's dumb. He breaks down every wall and he just knows me. I guess that makes sense though, since we've been friends since kindergarten.

Niall doesn't say anything else, he just grabs my hand and pulls me out of the bathroom. I keep my bag over one shoulder and regain my tall, broad posture when we enter the hallway. I can't be weak around anyone... well, besides Niall, I guess.

He leads me all the way to the cafeteria then sets me down by his friend, Liam. After that, he pushes a pack of crackers into my hand, gives me a bottle of water from his bag, kisses my cheek, then turns and marches back out of the cafeteria.

First off, I'll need to thank him later for the food, water, and the kiss. 
Second, I'll need to punch him later for leaving me at his lunch table with his friends.

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