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"Just don't make fun of me, alright?" Harry sighed, his nerves turning slightly angry as they stood outside of his bedroom door

Louis finally snapped. He had to break down and apologize. The guilt was eating him alive.

"Wait" Louis rushed before Harry could turn the door handle

"I'm sorry for what I said about your hair. I mean- I just- I was mad. and you said something about my height and.. yeah... I am sorry. And I won't make fun of your room, I swear, Harry" Louis rambled, but he ment every word

Harry just kinda stared at him

After a few seconds Harry just nodded. He pushed the door open and allowed Louis and himself to step in.

Louis looked around, pretty shocked. The room was light pink purple and beautiful. It looked almost like a girls room. There was a funny sort of book on the nightstand and soft blue bedspread over the mattress. There was a desk with a mirror and a hair brush on the desk- not to mention some jewelry scattered across the front. It was a pretty room. 

Pretty was not a word people usually used to describe boys or a boy's room, but Louis was sure that was the proper word for this situation

"Sorry I mentioned your height. I knew it was out of line. and thank you... for... not making fun of me" Harry mumbled as he set everything down that he carried up from the kitchen then plopped onto his bed.

Louis smiled a little. He actually smiled. There was certainly still tension between them, but both boys could feel it edging away.   Niall and Zayn would be proud of their friends.

Louis gently picked up the light pink sweater Harry had set out for himself this morning. It was waiting for him to come home from school, so he could be more comfortable when he got up to his room. Thing is, he was expecting to be alone. Now Louis Tomlinson was with him.

"You can, ya know, put it on. I mean- it's obvious you set it out for yourself and I don't want to stop you from wearing whatever you want to wear" Louis stuttered and maybe kept the material in his fingertips for too long. It was soft. He liked it. and he didn't really like that he liked it.

"O-oh" was all Harry whispered as he stood from the bed. He gently took the sweater from Louis' hands and studied it carefully.

should I?  was the only two words rushing through his mind

Suddenly, Louis' phone rang. Both boys jumped. Lou was quick to pull it out and check the caller ID, and when he saw it was Zayn, he picked up immediately

"Hello" Louis said with the phone pressed tightly to his ear

"hey, mate. Where are you?" Zayn questioned

"Uh... I'm actually at Harry Styles' house. We're...working on our project" Louis gulped a little as he lied

Well, sort of lied. They were doing their work, yes, but not really now

"Uhm... okay... well, Niall and I were gonna go to dinner. He asked if he could invite you?" Zayn said slowly

"Yes, yeah, sure. Uh... wait... what about Harry?" Louis was now concerned. Louis was being invited but Harry wasn't

"Oh, you're inviting him? Cool, Lou. We can just pick you both up!" Zayn spoke fast now, rushing, and not letting Louis speak again

"I'll tell Niall you'll both be coming! Gotta go! Niall wants a kiss! We'll be there in 10!------" the line went dead as Zayn shouted into the phone, still giving Louis no time to talk

"What was that about...?" Harry asked slowly

"We're... we were invited out with Niall and Zayn?"

"Why'd you say we like that?" Harry asked

"uh... I'm not really sure. But.. Yeah. They'll be here in 10." after a second, Louis bit his lip and continued with, "Change into your sweater. I'll wait downstairs" then he hurried out of the room

*   *   * 

Zayn and Niall grinned widely at each other.

"They're gonna be bestfriends! Our plan is going so well" Niall gushed

"Well, they're honestly kind of doing this by themselves" Zayn giggled

"We're taking all the credit anyways!" 

Zayn shrugged happily and leaned forwards, pulling Niall half over the center console, and he kissed his nose.

"Alright, blondie. Get your seatbelt on. We've gotta pick up the soon-to-be-friends"

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