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Harry and Louis fall asleep while watching Stranger Things on Netflix. Harry was wrapped around Louis, cuddling into the older boy's chest, and Louis was holding him tight.

They'd grown really close really fast, but they didn't do anything more than kiss. 

At 6:30, Anne and Desmond came home. Harry had called his step dad and spoken to him a lot about Harry. Des was very supportive and excited to meet his step son's boyfriend.

"They're probably watching a film in Harry's room. You can go up to get them, if you want, dear" Anne had told him

He kissed her cheek then headed up the stairs, having to kick two pairs of shoes out of his way to go up.

He reached the door and knocked lightly. With no answer and no noise coming from inside, he slowly opened the door and poked his head in.

When he seen the two, asleep, both snoring softly, he smiled. He watched for just a second, happy to see Harry so happy, then he stepped out of the room and went down to get Anne.

"They're asleep and I haven't the heart to wake them, Anne." Des smiled softly as he told his wife that their boy and his boyfriend were in bed, asleep

"I'll do it, then" Anne smiled and went up the stairs, also stepping over a pair of brown boots and a pair of vans.

"My dears, wake up. We're home" Anne spoke softly from the door way

Louis, the lighter sleeper of the two, shuffled a little and opened his eyes after a second

"Oh, Anne.. hello" he mumbled as he yawned

"Wake Harry, please, love. Desmond is here and we're gonna eat dinner." she informed him politely

"Yes, ma'am. I'm very excited to meet him. We'll be down in a few minutes." he smiled

"Call me Anne, love. We've talked about this" she grins at his politeness

"Yes, Anne" he nods

She leaves and shuts the door behind her, leaving Louis to wake up a very sleepy Harry

"Hazza. Baby. Hey, c'mon, your parents are home, love" Lou ran his fingers through the sleeping boy's hair to wake him

"Kiss?" Harry mumbled without opening his eyes

Louis giggled while Harry puckered up, awaiting lips to press to his. And Louis kissed him softly but quickly

"Come on, let's get on something presentable, Harry"

So, the two got up, fixed their messy bed head, and threw on some clothes- 

Louis wore Harry's favorite hoodie and his jeans while Harry had on a pink/purple tie die shirt and grey sweatpants with a hot pink seam line down the sides. Both boys had white socks on, no shoes, and they trudged happily downstairs to greet Harry's parents properly

Harry hugged Desmond- not like a boyfriend hug or a type of hug to give to your mom, but a friend hug. Couple of pats on the back then let go kind of thing. Nothing too close but not distant, either.

"Hi, Harry. My boy, you look older" Desmond joked

"Oh, hush! He's aging just fine" Anne called from the kitchen, her smile was heard in her voice

"And this must be the boy you're always telling me about.." Desmond motions to Louis

Harry blushes and Louis steps forwards

"Hi, I'm Louis. Harry's.." he pauses and glances at Harry

"Boyfriend" Harry finishes for him, smiling

"I've heard lots, Louis. Great to finally meet you." Desmond shakes his hand firmly and shows a polite, proud smile. Louis smiles back then they all sit around the table while Anne serves the meatloaf and potatoes.

Desmond shared a few stories from his trip- but he really just wanted to know how everyone else had been..

Harry talked about Niall. He told Desmond how Niall had taken them all to Nando's a week ago, and Louis chimed in to remind Harry they were actually going out with Niall tonight...

Which was half true! 

They were going to The Diner for a party, but Niall would be there.

Desmond asked about Louis' life, and Louis shared a bit..

"I've got 6 sisters and a brother, mom and a step dad- well, used to be step dad but he's my sister's dad so he's still in my life and we get along well" Louis nodded as he talked and chewed a potato

"And you and Harry have the same... math class? Or was it English?" Desmond asked

"English, sir. We sit together. And hated each other" Louis giggles a little

Harry grins through his bite of meatloaf.

Desmond frowns a little, confused about why that would be funny, so Louis quickly explains

"It's just- we despised each other. We were at each other's throats all the time. Didn't matter what was happening, we glared at each other and talked lots of trash." Louis explains, "And now, here we are. Having a dinner, watching movies and falling asleep together-"

Anne chimes in and cuts him off by adding "Kissing all the time"

Harry turns bright red and Louis almost jokes.

Anne laughs and apologizes

"Just kidding, loves" she says through her contagious laughter that sounds so much like Harry's.

High School Lovers ~L.S.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें