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Harry sat on his bed, watching as his boyfriend unwrapped his Christmas gift. He pulled out a shiny phone case- with little stickers to put on it. One said, "love always wins" and there was a couple little rainbows and hearts. 

Marshal immediately kissed Harry.

Harry smiled against the older boy's lips and kissed back. He's never been happier. When Marshal pulled back, he whispered, "Thank you so much, baby boy. This is beautiful. I love it- and I love you"

Harry had never felt so much love for one person.

"I'm gad you like it, Marshal. I love you too."

"Here's your present" Marshal said as he grabbed a small box wrapped in light pink paper

Harry squealed happily and tore it open

Inside the box was a ring.

Harry gasped as soon as he saw it. It was beautiful.

It was a sterling silver band with a diamond heart. Simple- but so, so perfect.

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"We're too young to get married, I know.. But I love you, and I want to some day call you my husband.. so I hope this will hold you over until then. It's a promise ring- and I promise that one day, I will ask you to marry me." Marshal said as he took the ring out of the box and slipped it onto Harry's finger

"It's... wow. Oh my god, Marshal. I- I don't know what to say" Harry's eyes started to pool with tears.

"Don't say anything yet.. Just say 'yes' one day in the future" 

Harry nodded and pulled Marshal to his lips, kissing him hard and lovingly.


Harry walked into Marshal's house. He knew his parents were gone, because the car wasn't in the driveway. Harry was carrying a tupperware of soup and a box of crackers. He was wearing the ring he'd gotten three months ago for Christmas, his boyfriend's hoodie, his favorite sweatpants, and sneakers. 

"Honey!" Harry called as he slipped his shoes off by the door, something he'd grown accustomed to doing in Marshal's house

"Babe!" he shouted again as he walked towards the hallway

Right down the hall, on the left, the second door, just past the bathroom wa shis boyfriend's room.

They'd been together for 8 months. 8 long months. They had had sex a couple times but mostly did oral stuff. They were so deeply in love. 

Harry thought they were so deeply in love.

With every "I love you" Harry meant it. With every gift, date night, and kiss, Harry fell deeper. After everything they'd been through together, Harry was sure the feeling was mutual.

But when he pushed open Marshal's bedroom door and found him naked in bed, holding a naked girl, he dropped the tupperware and gasped. The sound of the plastic container hitting the ground, bursting open, and soup going everywhere woke up the two in bed.

The girl screamed and hid her body with a blanket while Marshal looked terrified as he locked eyes with Harry.

"H-Harry" he stuttered

"You said you loved me" Harry whispered

"Baby, I do. I love you, look, I-" He got up, keeping a blanket around his bottom half to cover his body

"You said we'd get married" Harry mumbled through his hand which was pressed over his mouth, still in shock

"We will" Marshal sighed.

He motioned to Harry's ring. "That's the promise. We will. We'll get married and be happy, baby. Look at the diamond"

Without consent, Harry's eyes drifed to the ring on his finger

Immediate happiness and love filled his heart... but the scene that was still playing out infront of him clouded his mind and pushed all that love away- and turned it into regret, guilt, and betrayal.

"I let you sleep with me" Harry started to cry now, "I let you meet my family"

"Baby, come on"

"I loved you"

"We're still in love, Harry"

"We're not! I think I was the only one who ever fell! You're- you're sleeping with a girl!"

"Go sit down, let me get dressed, and we'll talk about this" Marshal insisted

"No, screw that! This isn't something th-that 'sorry' can fix!"

"My love.. don't walk out on me"

"I'm not" Harry sighed

Marshal raised his eyebrows

"You walked out on me whenever this started"

Harry walked out of the house.

He could hear Marshal crying out his name as he left, begging him to return.

As soon as the green eyed boy stepped outside, he broke down. He ran fast and cried hard. The only thing in his hands was a box of crackers. He dropped the soup, but he was still clingling to a box of crackers.

When he stopped running, he was on his best friend's door step.

His only friend's door step.


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