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Louis and Niall stepped outside, onto Zayn's front porch, and sat on the steps.

"So.. Marshal's mom kind of told me something... about Harry..." Louis started slow

"Did you talk to Harry about it?"

"No.. No, he was really upset and I just wanted to bring him here and get him to bed. I.. I wanted to ask you, because, well, you were there too"

Niall swallowed hard and nodded. He knew what Louis was talking about now.

Niall hated that memory. He picked Harry up and struggled to get him outside. He was crying, holding Harry's unconscious body, and in need of an ambulance or anyone's help. It was almost a month after he left Marshal.

"Before I tell you anything, I think you should hear it from Harry"

"I can't just... how do I ask him?" Louis groaned and rubbed his face with both hands

"Just sit him down, tell him Jess talked to you, and you don't think any different of him but you would like to know exactly what happened. I can even be there, if it'll make it easier for you to ask... and it would probably help him too" Niall patted Louis' shoulder then told him to come in and get breakfast

After everyone had eaten enough, Louis asked Harry if they could talk in private. The two excused themselves and went outside, this time out back, and sat under a Willow tree.

"Zayn's house is lovely.. and this tree is very beautiful" harry sighed as he looked up at the tree and the way the leaves hung around them

"Yeah.." Louis sighed as he looked at the boy next to him

The way the sun touched Harry's skin and made his green eyes shine made Louis bite his bottom lip and smile as Harry blinked slowly up at the tree and the sky.

"Baby.. Jess told me something" Louis whispered

Harry's relaxed featured turned worried and his olive skin went pale.


"It's a really sensitive subject.. and I was scared to tell you last night"

"That's... okay" Harry nodded slowly as he looked back at Louis, but didn't quite meet his eyes

"It didn't change the way I see you.. I love you, and I know you're not fragile or anything like that, baby. I just.. I know now.. from the outside prospective.."

"You.. you don't look at me like a kid that needs a babysitter now?" Harry asked, quitely but his voice was stern

"No. I'd never think of you that way. You're my baby but you're not a baby, you can take care of yourself"

Harry smiled a little and nodded

"Thank you, lou"

"Of course, Haz... I just.. I was wondering if you could.. tell me"

Harry looked around slowly. He looked at Zayn's house, the porch, the sliding back door..

"I can" Harry agreed as he looked at the little yellow weed-flowers on the ground a few feet away

Louis gently took Harry's hand and laced their fingers.

"It was almost a month after I left him. I was broken and lost and the only people I had were Niall and my mom.. my sister was at college"

Louis nodded softly and brought Harry's hand up to kiss his knuckles

"I.. I had a lot of bad thoughts and feelings and had started hurting myself again... and I felt like I was just bothering everyone by being sad... and Marshal had sent me a couple drunk texts.. that were.. mean. Really mean."

"Oh, baby" 

"I thought it would be easier for everyone if I just gave up... and at school, we were arguing and the teacher would get pissed off and.. I thought.. if I just disapeareed.."

Harry took a deep breath and willed his tears to go away, along with the memories that were rushing back to him

"I skipped school one day.. I thought no one would notice. I turned my phone off and wrote a couple notes then got in my tub..."

"You know the world would turn upside down without you, right?" Louis whispered

Harry just smiled a little and looked away. He shook his head softly. 

"Only a few people would notice, babe"

"Me. Zayn. Niall. My mom, my sisters, my brother, your sister, your mom, the entire footie team, Liam, teachers" Louis spoke fast and never broke eye contact with Harry

"I cut deeper than I ever had before. Both wrists. I just went to sleep. It didn't hurt. I was used to the sting" Harry mumbled

"When did you wake up?"

"When Niall was trying to fight the EMTs to get into the ambulance with me.. I was on the little bed, in the back of the ambulance... and one of the EMTs... I knew her.. she said 'hey, sugar . you will be okay, i promise'.."

Louis didn't want him to say anything else, so he pulled Harry completely into his arms, on his lap with his legs on either side of his waist and kissed him.

They kissed slowly and softly. Their lips barely touched but the amazing burning sensation filled both of their warm bodies and surged through their every vein.

"Please don't let me go" Harry whispered onto Louis' lips

"I could never imagine going a day without you, Haz"

"Promise?" Harry asked 


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