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Harry returned to school after another day of skipping.. He knew he couldn't just keep skipping, though he felt like it. Something in his mind changed- and he found his 'tough act' to be dumb.

He was soft. He was sweet. He was smart. 

He's always hated arguing..

But what something changed his mind?

In his head, he loved arguing with Tomlinson- well, he just liked it when he was right and the blue eyed boy wasn't. That's just because Harry wanted to be perfect... Doesn't everyone?

Maybe one certain insult that whirled around his thoughts for too many hours changed his mind.

So, when Harry arrived in English, the teacher directed him to the empty seat beside Louis.. and he didn't complain. Didn't roll his eyes. He sat down quietly and ran a hand through his freshly cut hair, hoping it looked alright.

Louis kept his eyes on his hands as soon as the not-so-curly-headed boy sat down.

That's right, Harry's curls were shorter- meaning they pretty much weren't curls anymore. They didn't spiral down by his ears or swish over his forehead. They were brushed, trimmed, and pushed up a little, sort of making a quiff.

"We're working on our essays today. Does everyone have a topic chosen?" the teacher's droning voice carried easily through the classroom or bored students. Everyone nodded or muttered some sort of yes so she continued.. "Let's get started with writing a basic paragraph. When you're done, have me check it, then you can get started."

She took her seat and every group started to quietly get on with the work. Some didn't, of course, but most actually started the assignment.

Harry froze. He didn't want to argue with the boy next to him today. He just didn't feel up for it. 

So, he turned slowly in his chair and quietly cleared his throat, still thinking about what to say.

"S-so... Would you like to type it or write it?" he asked, deciding just to go for polite and keep the conversation on the assignment

Louis was frowning. He wanted so badly to be angry still. 

But all he could think about was the fact that the boy next to him missed two days of school WHICH HE NEVER DOES and came back with a haircut.

"Did I... -what I said, make you cut your curls?" Louis blurts out, not even letting his brain sift through the words before they slipped from his lips

Harry didn't know what to say.

His mind was screaming YES but he didn't want to be vulnerable. Sure, he didn't want to be tough either, but he didn't want to be weak

"I'm taking your silence as a yes.." Louis said as he sighed

"Write it or type it?" the green eyed boy asked again, this time more focused

"I'm a pretty fast typer.." Louis answered slowly

Harry nodded and grabbed his laptop from his bag then passed it over onto Louis' desk.

"Love, hate, and equality is the topic, right?" Harry asks

Louis nods and slowly sets his hands on the laptop keyboard.

He's confused and guilty.

His insult made a smart boy get a hair cut. And that same boy, who should be mad or hurt and not want to speak to him at all, just slid over his personal laptop.

Louis gently pressed the keys as he typed. He opened a word document and wrote the heading, then their names just below it in smaller font.

"Let's get started then.." Louis said, earning a nod from Harry

* * *

Niall pressed his lips to Zayn's cheek then scurried off, not wanting to be late for his next class. Zayn grinned as he watched the blonde leave the classroom.

"So.. you're gay?" A footie player- actually, Niall's friend Jordan, asked from beisde Zayn

"Uh- I'm pansexual" Zayn informed him with a polite smile

"Cool. I'm bi" Jordan smiled wider

"You know Niall? You're both on with footie, yeah?" Zayn asked

"Yeah. He's a good lad. I'm actually interested in one of his friends." the messy brown haired boy grins a little

"Oh, that's cool." 

After that, Zayn and Jordan started to talk a little. Zayn enjoyed the acceptance of the boy next to him- and Jordan was pretty friendly with everyone so he didn't mind talking to Zayn either.

* * *

Niall practically skipped into his class. He was overjoyed. Excstatic, you could say.

Zayn had asked him to be his boyfriend that morning when he arrived to drive the blonde to school. Niall had a boyfriend. He couldn't wait to tell Harry at lunch.

Also, him and Zayn's plan was moving right along. Harry was going to the party. Louis would go with Zayn to the party. First step: DONE.

Next step was trying to not let them fight. And now that Zayn and Niall were dating, they would have to half tolerate each other if they were every in the same place. Right? Right.

Niall plopped himself right on his best friend Liam's lap and said, "Guess what?!" 

Liam laughed and asked, "What's got you all giddy like a school girl?" 

"I've got a boyfriend." Niall whispered

"Is it the math boy?" Liam inquired

Niall nodded enthusiastically

Liam grinned and squeezed the boy in his lap

"I'm proud, Horan!" 

"Thanks!" Niall laughed and slid off the boys' lap, to the floor next to his chair.

Niall liked that period, because students could sit anywhere they want. And Niall liked the floor by his bestie, because Liam- his bestie- would give him head pats.

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