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Truth or Dare

Harry and Louis moved over to the next group after a while. Truth or Dare. Fun idea- but absolutely terrifying once you started playing...

In this circle was Liam, Louis, Harry, and Jordan. 

"No chickens. Nothing too extreme though- like no making people have sex and no nudity. But kissing, making out, touching is still allowed" Jordan explained

Everyone agreed to the rules and the game bagan

Liam looked at Louis and asked the question. Louis chose truth.

"When was the last time you wanked, Tommo?"

"Last night in the shower" Louis answered shamelessly then looked at Jordan.

"I'll start with truth" 

"Have you ever had sex?"

"No. I tried- but my mom walked in on my and him" Jordan says with a slight tint to his cheeks, obviously a bit embarrassed. Then he looked at Harry

"Truth or dare, lad?"

"Dare, since the rest of you have chosen truth so far" Harry grinned, but he was nervous

"Alright.. I dare you to lick someone's chin, all the way up their face"

"Oh, yeah" Harry laughs and stands

"Anyone?" he asks. Jordan nods. 

Harry looks around for a second until he spots Niall. he walks over, grabs his best friend's face. and licks all the way from his butt chin, over his lips, up his nose, then kisses his forehead.

"Hi" Niall giggles

"It as a dare, sorry"

"You know I loved it" Niall joked

Harry sat back down and asked Liam. Liam chose dare too. Harry dared him to kiss someone. Anyone. And Liam grabbed Harry's hand, pulled him forwards, and their lips pressed together in a chaste, quick peck before Harry could even recognize what was happening.

"Me?" Harry asks 

Liam just shrugs and says "M'not gay, but you look hot."


Liam asks Louis. Louis chooses dare.

"I dare you to give Harry a hickey, since you two are suddenly friends"

Louis looked over at Harry nervously

"Hold on, one second" Harry mumbled as he stood and jogged away

He returned with two shots of vodka. He handed one to Louis and kept the other for himself

"To giving a new found friend a hickey" Harry laughed and clinked his glass to Louis'. Louis grinned and they both downed the vodka.

"Alright, lets fucking do this, come here" Louis mutters as he got up and grabbed Harry. He had one hand on Harry's hip and the other in Harry's hair, pulling it softly to the side to tilt his head, exposing more of his neck.

As soon as Louis' lips touched Harry's sensitive skin, Harry melted. And Louis just shut his eyes and enjoyed Harry's scent. Louis sucked gently... then he nipped at the tender skin... and when Harry gripped his forearm, Louis bit a little and sucked harder, wanting the bruise to stay- just like he wanted Harry's hands to stay holding him.

Finally, he pulled away and blew air on the bruising skin

"Beautiful" Louis whispered as he stepped back

The game went on.. Jordan had to give a random guy a lap dance, Liam danced with Zayn on the dance floor- and I mean mostly grinded while Zayn laughed his ass off, then Harry had to draw a dick on his stomach.

Eventually, they were tired of the game and decided to part ways- Except Liam, Louis, and Harry. They walked over to the bar and did shots together. First whiskey, then some fruity liquor that they didn't know the name of.

"Hey! Wanna dance?" Louis slurred a little

"Yes!" Harry shouted back

The music had gotten louder since everyone first showed up, and a lot more people had gotten there.

Louis and Harry trudged off towards the 'dance floor' aka the lounge room across from the living room. They stepped into the crowd and just jumped around, enjoying the rock song that played through the big speakers. 

Teenagers by My Chemical Romance started to play and everyone started screaming along to it. It was practically a mosh pit in there! Everyone was having so much fun

"Hey! Do you think people are still playing that kissing game?" Louis had pulled Harry over and shouted in his ear

"Yeah, aren't they always! Do you want to play?" Harry asked back, his lips were pressed up against Tomlinson's ear. And Louis had to bite his lip as he nodded in response

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