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The extra guys left, saying their parents would be pissed and needed to be somewhere else for their alibi, meaning only three boys sat in Zayn's house.

Niall was just staring at the ground. Zayn was watching Niall closely. And Louis was telling them how Harry reacted- and left. 

"He told me he loved me but he needed to know if Marshal was okay" Louis sighed a she wrapped up the story, "and he kissed me goodbye"

"It's not like he's gonna turn back to Marshal, he's just making sure the kid is alright because no one else was there for him" Zayn said. he was trying to cheer Louis up, or at least make him calm down a little

"Shouldn't we go to the hospital?" Louis asked, still tapping his leg repeatedly from his nerves and running his hands through his hair every couple minutes.

"I could've.." niall mumbled

"What, love?" Zayn asked softly. He didn't quiet hear Niall

"I could've killed him" he whispered

"No, you wouldn't have" Zayn dismissed

"No, I really could've. He said.. he.. I'd never been so fucking mad" Niall shook his head and ran his hand through his hair

"Wait, what'd he say?" Louis asked

"He.. he said something really bad about Harry.. something no one, god, no one really knows but me and a few others."

"Can you tell us?" Zayn asked softly while rubbing Niall's thigh soothingly

"No.  I can't. It's.. it's the worst thing and it is not my business to share with anyone, ever"

* * *

Harry sat outside the hospital room, in a little chair against the wall, tears streamed down his face and he was holding his phone, debating on whether he should call someone or not.

He'd already told the desk lady Marshal's mom's number. He had it memorized since he was 15 years old. 

Suddenly, he heard someone crying in the lobby down the hall, a frantic woman, a voice that he still recognized after so many months.

"Down that hall, room 18A. There's already someone in the hallway, here for your son" the desk lady told Marshal's mom, Jess.

A quick thank you.


A gasp.


"J-Jess" He stuttered and stood from the chair quickly

"Oh, Harry, dear" she immediately pulled him into a hug

Jess always loved when Harry came around.. 

"I didn't think Marshal still spoke to you?" she asked as she pulled away

"Uh.. we.. we don't. I was just the only person that knew him at the party where he got hurt" 

"Oh.. well.. it still means a lot that you came, even after what happened.."

Harry just nodded. What could he say?

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