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They sat in the huge circle. Boys and girls sat around, nervous, some excited.

Harry had seen Niall glance over at him from his place on the couch by Zayn. Niall looked worried. He didn't want Harry- his little fragile Harry- to get hurt or kiss someone nasty.

Harry was drunk though. After probably 5 or 6 shots of whiskey and 2 or 3 shots of fruity cheap liquor- he didn't care. He was still very capable of making decisions, but he was also just very happy and wanted to live

"Alright, let's get this started!" 

Louis recognized that voice. It was Aiden. The boy from art class. 

Oh no was the only thing Louis was thinking

So it started. They spun a bottle. It landed on a blonde girl and a long haired hippie looking boy. They kissed for a few seconds then sat back down. Then it was a girl with short hair and a boy with a perm. They moved forwards and kissed sloppily then sat back down. Then Luke kissed Michael. A girl named Taylor kissed a boy with a buz cut. Then aiden was spinning

and it landed... almost on Louis... then it turned a tthe last second and pointed at a girl

Aiden looked disgusted as he leaned in. He didn't even kiss-kiss her, he pecked her lips then sat back down.

Now it was Harry's turn to spin. And he spun. And louis shut his eyes and silently prayed that it landed on him. And it did.

The bottle pointed at Louis.

"Harry, you don't have to" Louis whispered when he seen Harry just staring at the bottle

Everyone in the circle had shut up. They were just watching. waiting. They knew the boys had been friendly lately. They also knew about the fighting, shouting, arguing, and the hate that was between them about a week ago..

"Nah, it's cool. I kinda want to" Harry shrugged. The last pat was quieter though. Only Louis and a few closer people heard it, like Aiden. Aiden heard it.

Niall and Zayn had stopped kissing on the couch and turned to see who was kissing in the circle... and their jaws dropped when they seen Harry sit on his knees and scoot closer to Louis

Louis was staring at Harry, studying him. Louis was trying to make sure that Harry was sure.

"Are you.." Louis started

Harry nodded. 

"You're not too drunk?" Louis asked

"I can make my own decisions, Louis. Just let me kiss you, yeah?" 

"Y-yeah.. okay" Louis nodded and licked his lips

"No way" Niall whispered

"No. No! Louis actually likes him. This will only hurt-" Zayn staerted to get up. He gently moved Niall off of his lap and stood from the couch.

Too late, Zayn.

Harry placed his hands on Louis' cheeks and moved forwards with slightly parted lips. He kissed Louis. His eyes were shut tight and he was kissing softly. Louis had pressed his lips back against Harry's and let his eyes flutter closed.

After a few seconds, they dres back and looked at each other.

"Louis, come here" Zayn spoke fast. louis doesn't like it when Zayn talks fast- that always means something is wrong. 

Louis couldn't even respond. His entire body felt like it had been electricuted. Harry had kissed him.

and now, Zayn's hands were under his arms and pulling him up from the floor. 

And then Niall was beside Harry, gently taking his hand, and asking to lead him away. 

High School Lovers ~L.S.Where stories live. Discover now